WEEK 31, 15 - 21 July 2024

In this issue:

A. Announcements 

B. Workshops/ Conferences

C. Visitors/ MoU/ Agreement Signing 

D. Faculty & Staff Travel

E. Classified (Job)


A. Announcement

1) Announcement Prof. Yousre Badir, SOM Acting Dean Effective from 15 July 2024
Email from AIT President on 15 July 2024 
Dear Members of the AIT Community. 
I am pleased to announce that, effective 15 July 2024, Prof. Yousre Badir will transition from his current role as Associate Dean to Acting Dean of the School of Management. Prof. Badir will lead SOM in this capacity until the end of the year, at which point the new President will oversee the formation of the leadership team for 2025 and beyond. 
Prof. Badir has been an invaluable faculty member of the School of Management, excelling in both administrative duties and academic contributions.  We are confident that under his leadership, the School of Management will continue to thrive and achieve new heights of success.  
Please join me in congratulating Prof. Badir on his new role and offering him our full support as he assumes these responsibilities.


2) Invitation for Networking at Startup Grind: What Do International Investors Expect From Startups In Thailand on 17 July 2024


You are cordially invited to network with a group of visitors from the University of Oldenburg, Chair of Entrepreneurship, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität Hamburg and University of Vechta in Germany and join the Startup Grind fireside chat with Thomas Hundt titled "What Do International Investors Expect From Startups In Thailand?" on Wednesday, 17th July at 6:00 PM. They are all working in the Business School and Entrepreneurship space.


AIT EC is organizing the transportation, departing at 3 pm from AIT Clock Tower. Please send an email confirmation to entrepreneurship@ait.ac.th if you would like to join the van. 


RSVP for Startup Grind at this link: RSVP (tickets are free, but registration is required due to limited space).


 May be a graphic of ‎1 person and ‎text that says "‎က် What Do International Investors Expect From Startups In Thailand? Thomas Hundt startup grind Bangkok Director Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Laos طط Germany Trade & Invest July 17th 2024 6.30pm Get Tickets Asian Institute of Technology Downtown Campus Asoke, Column Tower, Sukumvit Soi 16 Presented by startupgrind.com/ bangkok AIT Asian Imstitute Technology FRANK LEGAL TAX‎"‎‎

3) Introducing our New Employees

We are glad  to welcome the newest members of the AIT family! Let's all wish them a successful journey with us. Welcome aboard! 

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4) Bumrungrad International Hospital Corporate Member Card for AIT employees

Email from OHRS on 28 June 2024

Bumrungrad International Hospital offers a corporate member card for AIT employees and their family members.  For those who are interested in getting a corporate card please scan the QR code below or
 open the form on this link and fill up the form. 
Submit another response for each of your family members. Family members refer to spouse, children and immediate parents. 

 May be a graphic of hospital and text


5) Doctoral Final Examination- Ms. Thitimar Chongtaku (119790)

Ms. Thitimar Chongtaku (119790), a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems, Department of  Information and Communication Technologies, School of Engineering and Technology, will have her final examination on 16 July 2024 (Tuesday) at 14:00 hrs in Room TC206 (TC Meeting Room), Telecommunication Building and by Zoom. Her dissertation title is " Advancing Heatwaves Analysis in Thailand: Ensembling Models for Improved Spatial and Temporal Quantification in Urban, Peri-urban, and Rural Areas."

The members of her Program Committee members are as follows:

Prof. Attaphongse Taparugssanagorn (Chairperson)

Prof. Nitin K. Tripathi (Co-chairperson)

Prof. Sangam Shrestha (Member)

Dr. Chantri Polprasert (Member)

Dr. Hiroyuki Miyazaki (External Expert)

All those who are interested in the topic are invited to join.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 684 8099 5336
Passcode: RSGIS


6) Doctoral Final Examination- Mr. Amphol Tangtongpairoth (120514)

Mr. Amphol Tangtongpairoth (120514), a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Business Administration in the School of Management, will have his final examination on 24 July 2024 (Wednesday) at 11:00 hrs via Zoom. His dissertation title is 'Leveraging Business Model Innovation for Sustainable Competitive Advantage in the Technology-Intensive Industry: Exploring the Moderating Role of the Dynamic External Environment.'

The members of his Program Committee members are as follows:

Prof. Yuosre F.M. Badir (Chairperson)
Dr. Vimolwan Yukongdi (Member)
Prof. Attaphongse Taparugssanagorn (Member)

All those who are interested in the topic are invited to join.

Join Zoom Meeting https://ait-ac-th.zoom.us/j/95477062318?pwd=RB1NimYugJPTZMBW9xVi8bYG2Skt...

Meeting ID: 954 7706 2318
Passcode: 962 595

  Workshops/ Conferences  
 1) Summer Training Program Aquaculture Development & Aquatic Resources Management in South and South East Asia

Date: 8-19 July 2024
Venue: Asian Institute of Technology

Training Fee: USD 1,500/- (Inclusive of training-related expenses, excluding accommodation and subsistence allowances)

For more information and registration please visit 


 2) Announcement: International Conference on Sustainable Energy: Energy Transition and Net Zero Climate Future (21-23 October 2024, Pattaya City, THAILAND)

Do you want to engage in discussions on Just Energy Transition for a more sustainable future? If so, we invite you to attend the 2024 edition of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)’s - Thailand ICUE conference series. 

About the Conference:

The International Conference on sUstainable Energy 2024 (ICUE 2024) on Energy Transition and Net Zero Climate Future is the 2024 edition of the ICUE conference series of AIT. This edition will focus on sustainability issues and how best different forms of energy can be harnessed towards a sustainable green growth aiming for a net-zero climate future. It aims to: aim to: Promote Sustainable Practices, Foster Awareness and Education, Facilitate Collaboration, and Support Policy Initiatives; through discussions under the following Key Conference Themes:

  • Cross-Border Power Trade 
  • Greening the Grids
  • Managing Power Systems of the Future
  • Electrifying the Transportation Sector
  • Energy Education for Net-Zero Future
  • Net-Zero Policies and Programmes for Climate Change Mitigation
  • Emerging Low Carbon Energy Technologies
  • Renewable Energy Revolution

Please visit our website (www.icue2024.ait.ac.th) for more information.

About the Venue:

ICUE 2024 will be held on 21-23 October 2024 at the Long Beach Garden Hotel, Pattaya City, Thailand. The venue was carefully selected as it offers not only accessibility and excellent facilities but also a private beach with stunning sunsets to ensure delegates will experience special memories.

Key Features and Program:

The ICUE 2024 international conference will feature a number of keynote addresses and interesting panel discussions on: 

(i) Accelerating Just Energy Transition

(ii) Transforming Energy Education for a Net-Zero Climate Future

(iii) Enabling Net-Zero Transition through Regional Energy Integration

Plus a Special Plenary Session being arranged for renewable energy enterprises in the region!

Please take a look at our website https://icue2024.ait.ac.th/ to meet our distinguished speakers. Their individual profiles are available here: https://icue2024.ait.ac.th/distinguishedspeakers/ and our conference program agenda is published here: https://icue2024.ait.ac.th/conferenceprogram/

Awards and Publications:

The organizers are proud to share that this conference is Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Power and Energy Society (IEEE PES). Papers presented at this conference will be included in a conference proceedings to be published in the IEEE Xplore digital library. More information about this notable update is available at this link: https://icue2024.ait.ac.th/awards-and-publications/ 

Important Dates:

30 June 2024: Due date for paper submission

15 July 2024: Notification of acceptance (paper for timely inclusion in the conference proceedings)

15 August 2024: End of early-bird registration period

21-23 October 2024: CONFERENCE

Important Links:

Key conference themes: https://icue2024.ait.ac.th/

Venue (with Discount Code for accommodation booking): https://icue2024.ait.ac.th/venue/

Awards and publications: https://icue2024.ait.ac.th/awards-and-publications/

Registration fees and policies: https://icue2024.ait.ac.th/fees-and-policies/


3) International Workshop on Climate-Smart Agriculture (29-30 October 2024)

We would like to remind you about the deadline for submissions of extended abstract for the upcoming International Workshop on Climate–Smart Agriculture: Best Practices and Lessons Learned, scheduled to take place from 29 to 30 October 2024 at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Conference Centre, AIT, Pathum Thani, Thailand.

Deadline for submission of extended abstracts: 31 July 2024

This international workshop is part of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Technical Assistance (TA-9993) to Thailand, in Nan Province, on Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture for Enhanced Recovery and Sustainability of Highlands.

The 2-day international workshop will address multifaceted aspects of climate-smart agriculture with an overall aim to provide a platform for exchanging innovative ideas, technologies, and methodologies, fostering stakeholder collaboration and networking, and catalyzing the adoption of climate-smart agriculture practices in highland regions. It will also share the experience gained from the implementation of the TA-9993 in Nan province of Thailand.

The Concept Note for the International Workshop can be viewed at the link below.


Workshop Themes

  1. Gender-Conscious Climate Vulnerability And Adaptive Capacity Assessments In Highlands
  2. Climate-Smart Agronomic Management In Highlands
  3. Agricultural Product Quality, Value Chains, and Digital Technology
  4. Knowledge and Capacity Enhancement of Local Governments and Highland Communities on Climate Change Adaptation

Extended Abstracts

Extended Abstracts are invited from organizations and professionals working in climate-smart and sustainable agriculture in HIGHLANDS. The abstract should be directly aligned with one or more themes and subthemes of the workshop and must not exceed 1000 words. It should be based on existing/completed work and not on proposed work. Furthermore, submissions that focus on practical implementation promoting evidence-based technology adoption and policy outcomes will be given preference. The work must focus on HIGHLAND AGRICULTURE. The Call for Extended Abstracts and the Template for Extended Abstracts can be downloaded below.



Key Dates:

Submission of Abstracts Deadline: July 31, 2024

Notification of Selection: August 31, 2024

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of this transformative event. Submit your abstract and join us in fostering a climate-resilient agricultural future for the highlands of Asia. Based on the quality of submitted abstracts, the participation of selected contributors (airfare, registration, accommodation, subsistence) will be supported by the workshop organizers.

Please share this information with your colleagues and networks to help us reach a wider community.

For any inquiries, please contact us at adb-ta9993@ait.asia.

We look forward to your participation!

 4) Invitation for "The 14th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment (SEAWE)-14", 3-5 Dec 2024, Malaysia
We are pleased to invite you to attend "The 14th International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment (SEAWE)-14" organized by the University of Tokyo, 
which will be held during 3-5 December 2024 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The Southeast Asian Center for Water Environment Technology (SACWET) under the School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD) is one of the co-organizers.
For those who are interested, please check out the details from this following website link.

C. Visitors/ MoU/ Agreement 







D. Faculty & Staff Travel 

  • Dr. Thi Phuoc Lai Nguyen, Faculty-SERD/ Boston, USA/ 24 - 28 July 2024
  • Mrs. Maybel B. Diopenes, Director, OHRS/ Danang, Vietnam/ 16 - 21 August 2024
  • Mr. Sanjeev Jayasinghe, Executive Director, OAAA/ Houston, New Jersey, Dalias, San Antonio, Humble/ 22 June - 23 July 2024
  • Prof. Weerakorn Ongsakul, Faculty-SERD/ Osaka, Japan/ 30 July - 5 August 2024





 E. Classifieds (jobs) 

AIT Faculty & Staff Position:

1. Assistant Professor, SET-ISE

2. Assistant/ Associate Professor, FANR-FEBT

3. IT Officer, AI Center

4. Laboratory Supervisor, SET-WREE