WEEK 4, 20 - 26 January 2025

In this issue:

A. Announcements 

B. Workshops/ Conferences

C. Visitors/ MoU/ Agreement Signing 

D. Faculty & Staff Travel

E. Classified (Job)


A. Announcement



1) Introducing our New Employees in January 2025

We are glad  to welcome the newest members of the AIT family! Let's all wish them a successful journey with us. Welcome aboard! 


No photo description available.


2) Bad Air Quality on Campus


Email from AIT President 


Dear AIT Community, 


I regret to inform you that the PM2.5 levels on the AIT campus have reached an unhealthy level. This poses potential health risks, especially for kids (AITIS)


and individuals with respiratory conditions or other underlying health issues. The bad air quality situation is predicted to happen for the whole week, especially during January 22-25, 2025.


Action Required:


Limit Outdoor Activities: We strongly advise everyone to limit outdoor activities, particularly strenuous exercises, during this period.


Stay Indoors: If possible, stay indoors to reduce exposure to the polluted air. Ensure that windows and doors are closed to minimize the influx of outdoor air.


Use Air Purifiers: Consider using air purifiers in enclosed spaces to help reduce indoor air pollution. Ensure that the purifiers are properly maintained and filters are clean.


Wear Masks: If you need to go outside, wearing a mask (preferably N95 or equivalent) can provide additional protection against inhaling particulate matter.


Stay Informed: Keep yourself informed about the current air quality levels by checking local air quality monitoring stations near AIT:


Thai PCD: http://air4thai.pcd.go.th/webV3/#/StationDetail


IQAir: https://www.iqair.com/th-en/air-quality-map/thailand/bangkok



3) Join a seminar on " We Don't All Breathe the Same Air" by Prof. Allen L. Robinson


Join a seminar on "We Don't All Breathe the Same Air" by Prof. Allen L. Robinson, Dean of the Walter Scott, Jr. College of Engineering at Colorado State University.


Date: 5 February 2025 (Wednesday)
Time: 10:30 am–11:30 am (ICT)
Venue: Milton Bender Auditorium
May be a graphic of 1 person and text that says ""We don't all breathe the same air" AIT SEMINAR Date: February 2025 Time: hrs (ICT) Venue: Milton Bendor Auditorium Abstract Robinson people die prematurely each year elevated pollution. distributed last Several globally However, these uniformly. Over emerging such low-cost mobile monitoring satellite combined with learning based have dramatically our understanding spatial patterns pollution globally. talk will pollution. fine begin and matter air will then impacts. the spatial distribution natter globally, Southeast Asia, data reveal large exposure and health gaps, global south, substantial will conclude research pollution discussion our limited improve locations with Contact Prof. Sangam Shrestha Engineering Email: Technology"



4) Health Awareness: Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV)


Email from the Medical Clinic on 15 January 2025


Dear AIT Community,


This email aims to inform you about Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV), a common respiratory virus that can cause cold-like symptoms and is most active during the cold season.


Recently, hMPV has been spreading in several countries, however, the Thai government confirmed that there is no cluster of the human metapneumovirus (hMPV) in Thailand.


Nevertheless, it is important to be aware of this disease. 


What is hMPV?


Human Metapneumovirus (hMPV) is a respiratory virus that can infect people of all ages, but it is most common in young children. 


How it spreads: 


Like any virus, hMPV is contagious, which means it spreads easily from person to person. You can be exposed to the virus if you :


Have close contact with an infected person, such as handshakes or touching the person's face


Come in contact with droplets from an infected person through sneezing, spitting, or coughing


Touched infected surfaces then touch your mouth, nose, or eyes. 


Once Human Metapneumovirus enters your body, the incubation period is typically three to six days. Symptoms usually last for two to seven days. 




Symptoms commonly associated with HMPV include cough, fever, nasal congestion, sore throat and shortness of breath. Clinical symptoms of hMPV infection may progress


to bronchitis or pneumonia and are similar to other viruses that cause upper and lower respiratory infections. 




Prevent the spread of hMPV and other respiratory viruses by following these steps:


Frequent handwashing: Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose. 


Cover coughs and sneezes: Use a tissue to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, and dispose of the tissue properly. 


Clean and disinfect surfaces: Regularly clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, countertops, and toys. 


Stay home when sick: If you are experiencing cold-like symptoms, stay home from work, school, or social gatherings to prevent the spread of illness. 


Fortify your body's immune system: Eat a balanced diet, hydrate yourself, exercise and get enough sleep.   


When to seek medical attention:


Immediately seek medical attention if you experience difficulty in breathing, wheezing and fever that doesn't improve. 


We encourage you to practice good hygiene and take necessary precautions to protect yourself and others from respiratory infections. 


Disclaimer: This information is for general knowledge and awareness only and does not constitute medical advice.


References :












Email from the Office of Human Resources Services on 14 January 2025

Dear AIT Community, 

The mission of the AIT Medical Center is to provide the best possible medical care to AIT students, employees, and their dependents. Services offered include general medical care, ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat) consultations, and physical rehabilitation. The clinic hours are as follows:
 May be an image of text that says "Date Time Monday 09:00 a.m. Type of doctors 12:00 p.m. 01.00 p.m. Name of the doctors 04.00 p.m. Tuesday General Physician 09.00 a.m. -11.00 a.m. Dr. Chatnarin Metheekul Rehabilitation 08:30 am Wednesday 10.30 a.m. ENT Specialist Dr. Chuenchom Chueluecha 01.00 p.m. (Ear, Nose, Throat) 04.00 p.m. Dr. Somphong Wajajamroen General Physician 09.00 a.m. Thursday 12.00 p.m. Dr. Krittin Silanun (week 2 and week 4) General Physician 01.00 p.m. 04.00 p.m. Friday Dr. Kamolporn Poolput General Physician 09:00 am 11.00 am Dr. Kamolporn Poolput (week 1 and week 3) General Physician Dr. Chatnarin Metheekul"
   * Remark: Any changes to the above schedule will be announced visa AIT email. 
Please click on this link or use the QR code below to make an appointment. 
May be an image of text
The AIT Medical Center can be reached by email at medical@ait.ac.th or by phone at 02-524-5286 during office hours (from 7.30 to 17.00 hours), from Monday to Friday; and through 
 02-524-5555 for 24-hour medical emergency service.  
Medical Emergencies:   
The AIT Medical Center provides emergency medical care. In case of a medical emergency, please call 02-524-5555. The nurse will contact security to escort her to the patient's location. If the patient requires transportation to a hospital, the nurse will call for an ambulance.

Please note that the AIT Medical Center does not provide full-scale emergency room services. For serious medical emergencies such as a suspected heart attack, stroke, or poisoning, immediate treatment at the nearest hospital emergency room is crucial.

If you or someone you know requires emergency medical assistance and is unable to reach the Medical Center or hospital independently, please contact 02-524-5555 or 1669 immediately. These numbers connect you to the Emergency Medical Service provided by the Ministry of Public Health, Thailand.
Student’s Insurance:   
Students with Allianz Ayudhya Medical Insurance must present their insurance card before seeing a doctor. New medical cards will be available from the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) in the first week of February 2025. January medical claims can be reimbursed by submitting the original receipt and medical certificate to OSA after payment. Students needing medical care or medicines without consulting a doctor will be required to pay. 
Following a consultation with a Medical Doctor, employees may be eligible for a free standard blood test at the Medical Center.  Blood tests such as blood sugar, lipid profile, liver function, uric acid and renal function (BUN, Cr), and urine examination are available (no pregnancy test). An electrocardiogram is also available.  
Medical appliance/apparatus:   
Crutches, canes and wheelchairs can be borrowed from the AIT Medical Center.  A refundable deposit will be required.  The nurse on duty can be contacted to borrow these appliances/apparatus.  
Night-Shift Nurse:  
A night-shift nurse, who is on duty from 19:15 to 07:15 hours is reserved for medical emergencies.  For safety and security reasons, the door of the Medical Center is locked from 22:00 to 07:00 hours.  In medical emergency cases or if any medical emergency assistance is required, the nurse on duty can be contacted at 02-524-5555.   
Office of Human Resources Services 

 Workshops/ Trainings/ Conferences  


First UNCCRD Delta Summit 2025

May be an image of 2 people and text

About the Summit

The First UNCCRD Delta Summit 2025 is unique in that it will deliver a White Paper to the United Nations to make operational a UN Convention for Conserving River Deltas (UNCCRD), unveiled and approved at COP28. UNCCRD is being developed by the multi-organisation DeltasUNite consortium led by the African Centre for Climate Actions and Rural Development Initiative (ACCARD). DeltasUNite fosters collaboration between governments, academia, the UN, multilateral Development Banks, international, national, and local-level organizations, public and private sector, and delta communities towards solutions to the rising threats to ocean-facing river deltas.

Why the UNCCRD matters!

Deltas support over half a billion people globally, but face accelerating risks from climate change, rising sea-levels, natural hazards, environmental degradation, pollution, and unsustainable development. These impact delta human and ecosystem health, and threaten biodiversity, food security, and livelihoods. It is imperative to focus global discourse on multi-sectoral collaboration and inclusive governance, policy development, and targeted interventions to help preserve and protect these critical low-lying coastal regions. UNCCRD will be built from the base up through community involvement on an equitable partnership basis.


Raise awareness of delta-related issues globally.

Equitable dialogue between all stakeholders – including community representatives, youth, academia, government and non-governmental organisations.

Coordinate stakeholders’ input to the emerging UNCCRD through a co-created draft White Paper for delivery to the UN later in 2025.

Date :17-20 March, 2025 (including a 1 day sightseeing and community visit to the Chao Phraya Delta, Thailand)

Venue: AIT Conference Center, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand


Day 1: Delta Landscapes

Day 2: Delta Livelihoods

Day 3: Delta Threats & Solutions

Day 4: Sightseeing and Community Visit (Optional)

For further details of the event and to register, visit the website: https://internationaldeltasummit.ait.ac.th/


  C. Visitors/ MoU/ Agreement 







D. Faculty & Staff Travel

  • Prof.Weerakorn Ongsakul, Faculty - SERD/ Japan/ 18 - 23 February 2025
  • Shabbir Ali Talpur, AIT Solutions/ Philippines/  20 - 25 January 2025
  • Dr. Kuo Chieh Chao, Faculty, SET/ India/ 21-26 January 2025
  • Mr. Thaung Htut Aung, Executive Director, AIT Solutions/ Phillippines/ 20-25 January 2025
  • Ms. Chatchata Prasongsuk /Chiangmai, Thailand/ 23-24 January 2025
  • Mr. Md. Anishur Rahman /Chiangmai, Thailand/ 22-25 January 2025
  • Prof. Weerakorn Ongsakul, Faculty-SERD /Philippines/  5-7 February 2025
  • Prof. Paula Banerjee, Faculty-SERD/ Indonesia/  20-28 January 2025
  • Prof. Rajendra Shrestha, Faculty-SERD /Chiangmai/ 16-18 January 2025
  • Prof.Thammarat Koottatep, Faculty-SERD/ Benin/  23 February -1 March 2025
  • Mr.Santipong Grailert, GWSC/ Indonesia/ 15-22 January 2025





E. Classifieds (jobs) 

Ref.no Position Type Posted date
Fac 3/22 Associate / Assistant Professor, SET-ICT Faculty December 8, 2024
Fac 3/24 Faculty Position, SET/STE Faculty December 6, 2024
Fac 3/23 Faculty Position, SET-WEM Faculty October 31, 2024
Fac 1/23 Assistant/Associate Professor, SERD/CCSD Faculty October 21, 2024
41/24 Wind and Structural Engineer, AITS Staff January 15, 2025
44/24 Laboratory Supervisor, SET-ISE Staff January 6, 2025
33/24 Chief Operating Officer, GWSC Staff December 11, 2024
42/24 Technician, GTE Staff December 10, 2024