WEEK#27, 6 - 12 July 2020

 In this issue:

A. Announcements 

B. Events 

C. Classifieds (jobs)


A. Announcements

1. Message to AIT Community: Passing away of Prof. Alastair M. North O.B.E., former President of AIT

Message to AIT Community: Sent on behalf of AIT President Dr. Eden Woon on 5 July 2020
Dear AIT Family,
It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing away of former AIT President Prof. Alastair Macarthur North. He passed away peacefully at his home in Bangkok, Thailand on 4 July 2020. He was 88 years old.
Prof. North was the longest serving president in the history of AIT, serving from 1983 until his retirement in 1996. Prof. North’s last formal engagement at AIT was as a panelist speaker at the H.E. Dr. Thanat Khoman Lecture Series held at the AIT Robert B. Banks Auditorium on 20 February 2018. 
Prior to joining AIT, Prof. North was the Deputy Principal of the University of Strathclyde in the United Kingdom. AIT President Eden Woon noted Prof. North’s stellar academic career spanning Scotland and Thailand when he spoke on June 16 at an international webinar hosted by the University of Strathclyde.
President Woon said:  “We at AIT are saddened by the news of the passing of Professor Alastair North.  He was at the helm of AIT for 13 years at a time of AIT’s glory, and we thank him for his dedication and efforts and devotion to AIT.  I know that those who came across him at that time, whether students or faculty or staff, remember him well as a leader, a scholar, and a gentleman, and appreciate his contributions to AIT.  We offer our sincerest condolence to his family members.” 
President North’s work in AIT was recognized by the honours of the Officer in the Most Illustrious Order of the British Empire (U.K.), Commandeur dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques (France), Commander in the Order of King Leopold II (Belgium), Prasidda Prabala Gorkha Dakshin Bahu (Nepal) and the Honorary Degrees: Doctor of Philosophy (Ramkhamhaeng University, honoris causa, Thailand), Doctor of the University (University of Strathclyde, honoris causa, U.K.), Docteur Honoris Causa (Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France), Doctor of Technology (AIT, honoris causa) and Doctor of Laws (Aberdeen, honoris causa). He was also appointed as a visiting professor at Chiang Mai University and Mahidol University in Thailand.

AIT shall share the details on the arrangements for the funeral arrangements, for those who would like to attend the religious rites ceremony.


Office of International Affairs (OIA)

2. Re-opening of AIT, Return-to-Office and Other Measures from 1 July
Email from the Director, Office of Academic Administration on 29 June 2020
Dear AIT Family,
The AIT Covid-19 Task Force (TF) would like to update you of the status at AIT with effect from 1 July 2020 following the recent message of the AIT President on re-opening of AIT, as well as the Royal Thai Government’s recent announcement of the easing of restrictions and resumption of activities with strict limitations.
Re-opening of AIT and Return-to-Office from 1 July
The reopening of the campus and return to offices is now scheduled for 1 July 2020.  For the month of July, resumption of work in the office will be on staggered workdays or shift work (e.g. morning/afternoon) or other arrangements decided by the Unit Heads, primarily to meet the recommended social distancing criteria especially in shared offices.  Reconfiguration of shared offices and meeting rooms has already been completed to ensure social distancing.
As you know, a Fit-to-Work medical certificate is required before employees report to duty on July 1, so those employees who have not done so, please accomplish this simple checkup before reporting to work after AIT opens on July 1.
Visitors to AIT
Casual day-visitor access to buy take-out food and refreshments or just visit AIT no longer need a host to be granted access to AIT.
AIT Gates
Gate #1 continues to be the main entrance to AIT.  However, Gate #2 will now be accessible for persons to exit, and to receive deliveries.
Sporting Activities
The swimming pool is now OPEN.  Users are urged to strictly follow the measures posted for guidance, such as advance registration (ext 5250), only one user per lane, not more than six (6) users at a time, not more than an hour of use per user, among others.  Wednesdays are reserved for women users as practiced earlier.  The SU Gym is also now allowed to OPEN subject to compliance with strict safety and hygiene measures.
The TF wishes to reiterate that the sports fields and other sporting facilities are still RESTRICTED for use by our AIT community only; NO outside visitors will be permitted to use these facilities until further notice.
Gatherings for up to 25 persons are now ALLOWED, including for religious services and activities, strictly following social distancing of 2 meters apart and in appropriate venues that allow this.
Continuing Students in Fall Semester
There are some continuing students who are still on campus.  The TF strongly discourages them from returning to their home countries during this year’s summer break in light of the pandemic.  The Government of Thailand has taken a very cautious and prudent approach in tackling the situation and students should be aware of the difficulties and delays they may face when returning to Thailand due to flight restrictions, limited entries due to a quota system, quarantine requirements and other formalities. The whole process of returning would likely entail a substantial amount of time and costs and it is therefore advised to remain in Thailand.  We can safely say that if you leave AIT to go back to your home country for the summer break, it is extremely unlikely that you will be back in Thailand in time for the start of Fall Semester on August 4.
The TF reminds you to continue to maintain a high level of safety and hygiene measures, like regularly washing your hands, wearing masks in public places and when in the company of people, maintaining social distancing, avoiding large crowds, and please visit the Medical Center if you feel unwell.  We must all continue to be vigilant even as restrictions are being relaxed.
Thank you very much for your continued cooperation and sacrifices to keep our community safe.  Please take care, stay safe, and remain healthy too.
AIT Covid-19 Task Force

3. 8th Webinar in the Series: The City University of New York

The Office of International Affairs is pleased to remind you of a series of multidisciplinary webinars hosted by our partner the University of Strathclyde in the United Kingdom under the theme: Thriving after Massive Global Disruption. This series is designed to share experiences from partners across the globe to better understand the implications and impact of COVID-19.

This webinar organized by the City University of New York is entitled: The Urban Public University as an Engine of Recovery. More details are below.

Date & Time: Tuesday, 7 July 2020 at 8:00 pm (20:00hrs) Bangkok Time (9:00 hrs. in New York, New York, USA).

Registration: If you are interested in participating and interacting with the speakers, PLEASE REGISTER it at the following link.


4. The webinar on AIT website and Facebook for "Digital Transformation"
AIT Extension is pleased to invite for a free webinar on "Digital Transformation: Future-proofing with Hybrid Workforces and Cloud Computing" on 7 July 2020 at 14:00 - 15:00 hrs. (Bangkok time).
For the registration pls. visit   https://forms.gle/NSBs4Uq6QD4aqdUt7
DTTS_TF3 (1)
5. Online Expert Talk on Smart City Disruptive Innovations by Dr. Monsak Socharoentum
The AIT Entrepreneurship Center (EC) cordially invites you to join the next online Expert Talk on 09 July 2020, Thursday at 2:30 PM (Bangkok time). The topic of the talk is Smart City Disruptive Innovations and the speaker is none other than Dr. Monsak Socharoentum, Vice President for Data Solutions, Digital Government Development Agency (DGA),The Office of Prime Minister. DGA’s ultimate goal is the achievement of collaboration on data exchange, integrity and availability.

Prior to his role in DGA, Dr. Monsak served as Director of a leading institute, IoT and Digital Innovation at Digital Economy Promotion Agency (DEPA). The missions of the institute cover various dimensions namely IoT industry promotion, digital transformation and platforms promotion, manpower development, persuading foreign technology investors, and IoT Institute buildings (as part of Digital Park Thailand). His last duty in DEPA is Smart City Promotion. He was responsible for developing policies and practical measures that have been conducted and launched to drive Thailand 4.0 and digital economy.

We hope you can all join us in this important talk. Please register at this link to get the meeting id.

6. The webinar on AIT website and Facebook for "Transforming Mindset"
AIT Extension is pleased to invite you to a free webinar on "Exploring solutions to cope with emerging norm: TRANSFORMING MINDSET" on 16th July 14:00 hrs- 15:00hrs (Bangkok Time) 
For registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1059
 Transforming Mindset_Banner
7. Substitute Holiday for Songkran, 27 July 2020
Email from Office of the Human Resources Services on 3 July 2020
Dear AIT Family,
Following the approval of the Thai Cabinet, AIT will observe Monday, 27 July 2020 as a holiday in lieu of one of the postponed Songkran holidays.  Please note that Tuesday, 28 July 2020 is HM The King’s Birthday and is also an AIT holiday.
8. Reopening of AIT swimming pool and new normal procedures
Email from Director, OFAM on 1 July 2020
With reference to the recent announcement from the Covid-19 Task Force, AIT swimming is now open for the users. Please note the below new normal procedures to be followed.
Opening time :  06:30 - 18:30 hrs.
Cleaning time: 08:30 - 09:30 hrs. *(closed for users)
Make advance reservation: (No walk-in allowed)
• email: aitccr@ait.ac.th, reservation@vpservice.co.th
• call for reserve by telephone number 02-524-5250 only
Information needed for a reservation:
• Full name, Student/Staff ID, School/Department, Date, and time would like to reserve,  Phone number.
• Use only the designated gate to enter and exit
• Please show AIT ID card at the screening point for registration verification
Swimming pool reservation and user procedures:
• Reserve in advance at least 3 hours before swimming
• To cancel reservation inform at least 1 hour before the reserved time
• Big swimming pool: one reservation per person per lane for 1 hr. only (6 people/hour are allowed to use the big swimming pool)
• Kids pool: one reservation per one family (max 5 persons) / 2 hrs. 1 family (max 5 persons) / 2 hours are allowed in the kid's pool per time
• Temperature checking and logbook registration at the entrance gate of the swimming pool (bathroom side). Temperature above 37.5oC will not be allowed to use the facility.
• All other general rules of the AIT swimming pool will be followed as usual. For details please click this link: http://ofam.ait.ac.th/regulations-2/guidelines-for-ait-swimming-pool-users/
• Please maintain social distancing and wear a mask when entering the swimming pool gate
• Temperature check will be done (Not allowed if found with symptoms of fever >37.5c, cough, sneeze, runny nose, or others).
Remark: Please come on time for your reserved slot. Time will not be extended if comes late.
Please continue to maintain a high level of safety and hygiene measures and thank you very much for your continued cooperation.
Please take care, stay safe, and remain healthy too.
9. SCOPUS webinar trainings in July 2020
Email from AIT Library on 30 June 2020
You're invited to join the SCOPUS webinar training. There are three topics in July 2020. Here's the list of upcoming online training.
1. Metrics and analysis in Scopus. The cans and cannots.
Description: A good look at metrics included in Scopus, what they measure, what you can and cannot do with them.
Date: Wednesday, 1 July 2020
Time: 10.00AM - 10.30AM Bangkok Time
Registration: https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Ka3C68yVToO8d8qAecgQQA?time...
2. Institutional Profiles in Scopus
Description: Scopus includes over 70,000 institutional profiles. In this session we will look at institutional profiles in Scopus, how to find them, what they can be used for and how institutions can give ask for changes to their profiles.
Date: Tuesday, 14 July 2020
Time: 10.00AM Bangkok Time
Registration: https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GCXUKzlvShCQz9QtkdfIYQ?time...
3. The Dark Art of Advanced Search.
Description: In Scopus we can use Boolean and other operators to create advanced searching. Let's look at those operators and how you can use them effectively.
Date: Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Time: 10.00AM Bangkok Time
Registration: https://elsevier.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_OLBw781OTMmGQIR3OAKmIA?time...
Speaker: Alexander van Servellen (Senior Consultant, Research Intelligence @Elsevier)
Please register using AIT email address. All webinars will include a real-time Q&A session with the speaker. The Library hopes you will find the training useful.




 B. Events

Training Courses/ Conferences

1. Online Training Course on "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification" 

Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Course Banner (1)


Online Training Course on "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification" 
Date: 29 June - 10 July 2020
Time: 09:00 - 12:00 weekday (Bangkok time)

Course information:

Lean Six Sigma is Rigorous adherence to proven methodologies, tools and techniques that will enable a Leader to confidently solve process problems using data-driven approaches so that the problems stay solves. Lean Six Sigma is the synthesizing agent of business performance improvement that, like an alloy, is the unification of proven tools, methodologies, and concepts, which forms a unique approach to deliver rapid and sustainable cost reduction. In Lean Six Sigma once avoids the tendency to jump to conclusions and make assumptions about things. Lean Six Sigma Green Belt is a Practitioner Level Training & Certification. It covers the introduction to Lean Six Sigma, DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) road map, Basics of Change Management.

This course is good and suitable for “team members, supervisors, project managers, functional and technical experts, consultants, senior executives, business leaders and sponsors from a wide variety of manufacturing, service and transactional business environments. Someone who anticipates using Lean Six Sigma as an improvement methodology within his/her work. A Student of business, operations, Computer Science or Industrial Engineering”.

For more information and registration pls. visit www.extension.ait.ac.th/course/1026
Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang
Program Coordinator at panchica@ait.ac.th

2.  Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management" from 13-20 July 2020

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Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management"
Duration: 13-20 July 2020
Instructor: Mr. Ron Leeman, CEO & Founder the Highway of Change, Founder & Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Professionals Asia

Course Description and Rationale

The course is designed to provide individuals with a sound understanding of different elements of CM, ranging from an introduction to CM, through to details about the people side of change, e.g., behaviors, change resistance, etc. and then a run through a simple, practical framework approach to change.

This Training has more focus on the practical side of CM with reasonable focus on technical details and will include stories and anecdotes, practical insights, and lessons learned. It will be relaxed, informal, and conversational in nature.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1055


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th

3.  Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification" from 10 - 21 August 2020

1-Lean Six Sigma Green Belt_Banner_10 Aug - 21 Aug 2020

Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification"
Duration: 10 - 21 August 2020
Instructor: Mr. Mohammad Ali Toosy

Course Description and Rationale

The one who will continuously improve to add value to the customer will be the one who sustains business in the Long run. Lean Six Sigma has evolved from being purely for manufacturing-focused to an enterprise focus. The curriculum and literature have evolved over a period of time. This training has its own unique value proposition as part of the Curriculum is the basics of The Lean Startup, Lean Thinking, Lean Mindset as well as the Link of Lean with Strategy and Innovation along with an essential skill of Change Management.

You will not only get an internationally recognized Certification but also get an idea of the local trends. This training has more focus on the practical side of Lean Six Sigma with a reasonable focus on technical details.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1045

Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th

4.  Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management" from 24 August - 1 September 2020

 1-Change Management_Banner_24 Aug - 1 Sep 2020
Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management"
Duration: 24 August - 1 September 2020
Instructor: Mr. Ron Leeman, CEO & Founder The Highway of Change, Founder & Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Professionals Asia

Course Description and Rationale

The course is designed to provide individuals with a sound understanding of different elements of CM, ranging from an introduction to CM, through to details about the people side of change, e.g., behaviors, change resistance, etc. and then a run through a simple, practical framework approach to change.

This Training has more focus on the practical side of CM with reasonable focus on technical details and will include stories and anecdotes, practical insights, and lessons learned. It will be relaxed, informal, and conversational in nature.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1050 


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th


5. Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Training & Certification" from 31 August - 25 September 2020

1-Six Sigma Black Belt _Banner_31 Aug - 25 Sep 2020

Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Training & Certification"
Duration: 31 August - 25 September 2020
Instructor: Mr. Mohammad Ali Toosy, CEO Toosy Advisory Services, Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Asia, Executive Director Strategic Ratings and Mr. Ron Leeman, CEO & Founder The Highway of Change, Founder & Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Professionals Asia
Course Description and Rationale

The one who will continuously improve to add value to the customer will be the one who sustains business in the Long run. Lean Six Sigma has evolved from being purely for a manufacturing focused to enterprise focus. The curriculum and literature has evolved over the period of time. This Training has its own unique value proposition as part of the Curriculum is the basics of The Lean Start up, Lean Thinking, Lean Mindset as well as the Link of Lean with Strategy and Innovation along with an essential skill of Change Management.

You will not only get an internationally recognized Certification but also get an idea of the local trends. This Training has more focus on the practical side of Lean Six Sigma with reasonable focus on technical details.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1048


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th


6. Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management" from 28 September - 2 October 2020

2-Change Management_Banner_28 Sep - 2 Oct 2020

Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management"
Duration: 28 September - 2 October 2020
Instruction: Mr. Ron Leeman, CEO & Founder The Highway of Change, Founder & Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Professionals Asia

Course Description and Rationale

The course is designed to provide individuals with a sound understanding of different elements of CM, ranging from an introduction to CM, through to details about the people side of change, e.g., behaviors, change resistance, etc. and then a run through a simple, practical framework approach to change.

This Training has more focus on the practical side of CM with reasonable focus on technical details and will include stories and anecdotes, practical insights, and lessons learned. It will be relaxed, informal, and conversational in nature.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1051

Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th

7. Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification" from 5 - 16 October 2020

2-Lean Six Sigma Green Belt_Banner_5 Oct- 16 Oct 2020

Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification"
Duration: 5 - 16 October 2020
Instructor: Mr. Mohammad Ali Toosy, CEO Toosy Advisory Services, Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Asia, Executive Director Strategic Ratings

Course Description and Rationale

The one who will continuously improve to add value to the customer will be the one who sustains business in the Long run. Lean Six Sigma has evolved from being purely for manufacturing-focused to an enterprise focus. The curriculum and literature have evolved over a period of time. This training has its own unique value proposition as part of the Curriculum is the basics of The Lean Startup, Lean Thinking, Lean Mindset as well as the Link of Lean with Strategy and Innovation along with an essential skill of Change Management.

You will not only get an internationally recognized Certification but also get an idea of the local trends. This training has more focus on the practical side of Lean Six Sigma with a reasonable focus on technical details.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1046


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th

8. Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management" from 19 - 23 October 2020

3-Change Management_Banner_19 Oct - 23 Oct 2020

Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management"
Duration: 19 - 23 October 2020
Instructor: Mr. Ron Leeman, CEO & Founder The Highway of Change, Founder & Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Professionals Asia

Course Description and Rationale

The course is designed to provide individuals with a sound understanding of different elements of CM, ranging from an introduction to CM, through to details about the people side of change, e.g., behaviors, change resistance, etc. and then a run through a simple, practical framework approach to change.

This Training has more focus on the practical side of CM with reasonable focus on technical details and will include stories and anecdotes, practical insights, and lessons learned. It will be relaxed, informal, and conversational in nature.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1052


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th

9. The International Conference on Energy, Environment and Climate Change (International Conference on Utilities and Exhibition) – ICUE 2020

The International Conference on Energy, Environment and Climate Change (International Conference on Utilities and Exhibition) – ICUE 2020 follows the series of ICUE conferences organized by the Asian Institute of Technology since 2006, and has the theme – Energy, Environment and Climate Change for its 2020 edition. 
Date: 20 – 22 October 2020 at Pattaya City, Thailand


10. Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management from 2 - 9 November 2020

4-Change Management_Banner_2 Nov - 9 Nov 2020

Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management"
Duration: 2 - 9 November 2020
Instructor: Mr. Ron Leeman, CEO & Founder The Highway of Change, Founder & Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Professionals Asia

Course Description and Rationale

The course is designed to provide individuals with a sound understanding of different elements of CM, ranging from an introduction to CM, through to details about the people side of change, e.g., behaviors, change resistance, etc. and then a run through a simple, practical framework approach to change.

This Training has more focus on the practical side of CM with reasonable focus on technical details and will include stories and anecdotes, practical insights, and lessons learned. It will be relaxed, informal, and conversational in nature.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1053


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th


11. Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Training & Certification" from 2 - 27 November 2020

2-Six Sigma Black Belt _Banner_2 Nov - 27 Nov 2020

Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Black Belt Training & Certification"
Duration: 2 - 27 November 2020
Instructor: Mr. Ron Leeman, CEO & Founder The Highway of Change, Founder & Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Professionals Asia

Course Description and Rationale

The one who will continuously improve to add value to the customer will be the one who sustains business in the Long run. Lean Six Sigma has evolved from being purely for a manufacturing focused to enterprise focus. The curriculum and literature has evolved over the period of time. This Training has its own unique value proposition as part of the Curriculum is the basics of The Lean Start up, Lean Thinking, Lean Mindset as well as the Link of Lean with Strategy and Innovation along with an essential skill of Change Management.

You will not only get an internationally recognized Certification but also get an idea of the local trends. This Training has more focus on the practical side of Lean Six Sigma with reasonable focus on technical details.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1049


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th

12. Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management" from 7 - 14 December 2020

5-Change Management_Banner_7 Dec - 14 Dec 2020h


Online training course on "The Fun(damentals) of Change Management"


Duration: 7 - 14 December 2020


Instructor: Mr. Ron Leeman, CEO & Founder The Highway of Change, Founder & Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Professionals Asia

Course Description and Rationale

The course is designed to provide individuals with a sound understanding of different elements of CM, ranging from an introduction to CM, through to details about the people side of change, e.g., behaviors, change resistance, etc. and then a run through a simple, practical framework approach to change.

This Training has more focus on the practical side of CM with reasonable focus on technical details and will include stories and anecdotes, practical insights, and lessons learned. It will be relaxed, informal, and conversational in nature.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1054


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th


13.Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification" from 14 - 23 December 2020


3-Lean Six Sigma Green Belt_Banner_14 Dec- 23 Dec 2020


Online training course on "Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Training & Certification"
Duration: 14 - 23 December 2020
Instructor: Mr.Mohammad Ali Toosy, CEO Toosy Advisory Services, Country Representative Institute of Change and Transformation Asia, Executive Director Strategic Ratings
Course Description and Rationale

The one who will continuously improve to add value to the customer will be the one who sustains business in the Long run. Lean Six Sigma has evolved from being purely for manufacturing-focused to an enterprise focus. The curriculum and literature have evolved over a period of time. This training has its own unique value proposition as part of the Curriculum is the basics of The Lean Startup, Lean Thinking, Lean Mindset as well as the Link of Lean with Strategy and Innovation along with an essential skill of Change Management.

You will not only get an internationally recognized Certification but also get an idea of the local trends. This training has more focus on the practical side of Lean Six Sigma with a reasonable focus on technical details.

For more information and registration pls. visit https://extension.ait.ac.th/course/1047


Ms. Panchica Koonchaimang

Program Coordinator

AIT Extension

Email: six-sigma@ait.ac.th


14. The 16th Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC 2020)

The 16th Asian Internet Engineering Conference will be held at Satellite Campus Hiroshima,
Hiroshima, Japan from 2-4 December 2020.
The 16th Asian Internet Engineering Conference (AINTEC) provides an international technical forum for experts from industry and academia. AINTEC especially aims at addressing issues pertinent to the Asia and Pacific region, with vast diversities of socio-economic and networking conditions, while inviting high quality and recent research results from the Internet research community at large. AINTEC 2020 follows the fifteenth successful editions held in Thailand. The conference is single-track and features a technical program with significant opportunities for individual and small-group discussions among a diverse set of participants. The technical sessions will include invited talks by leading experts, presentations of papers, demos, posters.
For further information:
AINTEC2019 (5)


D. Classified (jobs)


Position: Assistant/Associate Professor (ETM) (School Of Environment    Resources and Development)
Ref. No. 1/20
Deadline: 30 June 2020


Position: Associate/Assistant Professor (STE) (School of Engineering & Technology )
Ref. No. 04/20
Deadline: 31 August 2020


Position: Technical Staff, Technician
Ref. No. 15/20
Deadline: 31 July 2020


Position: Executive Director, AIT Extension
Ref. No. 16/20
Deadline: 30 July 2020
