WEEK#13, 30 March – 5 April 2020

 In this issue:

A. Announcements

B. Events

C. Classifieds (jobs)

A. Announcements 

a) National Emergency and AIT

Email from AIT President on 30 March 2020.
Dear AIT Family,
The global COVID-19 epidemic continues to rage, and Thailand is very nervous and battling this virus with high vigilance.  This is something we must do at AIT also.  In view of the declaration of National Emergency until 30 April by the Thai Government and the announced measures, I would like to inform AIT members of the following:
1.  AIT’s current CLOSED status with Work from Home (WFH), and with only mission-essential personnel coming to the office when absolutely necessary, will continue through 30 April. 
2.  The SONGKRAN Holidays on 13 and 14 April will no longer be counted as AIT holidays and will be “normal” work days (with the above arrangement) for AIT, and they will be reinstated as AIT holidays later this year when the Government deems the conditions appropriate for SONGKRAN celebrations again. 
3.  The Graduation Ceremony of 22 May is hereby cancelled.  Students who are supposed to graduate in May can still graduate and receive their degree certificate in May if they complete their academic requirements.  We sincerely apologise to the May graduates, as I know that this ceremony is a highlight of many students’ academic career.  Therefore, all of the May graduates are welcome to bring their family to celebrate their graduation from AIT by participating, if they wish, in the December Graduation Ceremony, along with the summer and December graduates.
4. Mentorship System to be set up.  Of course, every student should always consult with their faculty advisor and instructors, but for those students—there are about 600—who have chosen to remain on AIT campus, we recognize the additional stress of being away from home and worried about their loved ones during COVID-19 crisis.  So AIT will set up a Mentorship System so every remaining student will have some senior staff—in most cases from their home country—to be a helping hand and a listener and mentor during this difficult time.  Details will be announced very shortly.  For those AIT students who have gone home, our mind and heart are still with you, and we hope you take the utmost precaution to be safe with your family in your home country.
Although AIT is closed, it has not stopped!  The students are studying online and faculty are continuing the mission of education.  Many staff are working hard on keeping the campus safe.  Plus I am pleased to let you know that we are diligently preparing for the August semester and working on Transforming AIT initiatives even during this closure.  The dedication of AIT members has been very moving to me.
I would like to reiterate again how important it is for everyone to do his or her part to keep the campus safe:  Please limit your trips out of AIT campus and to restrict your day visitors from off-campus.  Overnight guests are strictly prohibited.  In addition, you must practice social distancing of at least 2 meters when speaking to someone (doing it virtually is much more preferable now) or walking with someone on campus or when queueing up.  You have seen how this is enforced very strictly in many countries now.  Team sports are no longer allowed on campus!  Once again, I am sorry for the inconvenience and sacrifices and also caution you that more restrictive measures will come if the Thailand Coronavirus situation gets worse.  Please take these measures very seriously and conscientiously! 
Stay alert please for more messages from the AIT Coronavirus Task Force for announcement of the latest measures.
Thank you for your continued support, and please stay safe!!
Dr. Eden Woon
AIT President 
b) Visitor Access

Email from the Vice-President for Administration on 27 March 2020.

The Covid-19 Task Force (TF) continues to appreciate your cooperation in abiding by the restrictions being imposed by the Institute to protect our community and residents.

In our earlier messages on this matter, we have included the following:
• International visitors/guests are NOT allowed on campus.
• Overnight visitors are also NOT allowed on the campus.
Recently, the TF has introduced:
• Registration of all-day visitors by Security at Gate 1, with the requirement that visitors exchange personal identification for an AIT visitor's ID card.
With the threat of the coronavirus changing daily, we strongly urge everyone to please halt your personal and professional guests / visitors from coming to our campus even for a day visit.  In a similar urgent appeal, please Work From Home and do NOT come to the office, unless you must be in the office physically to serve the students or handle other mission-essential roles.  Please also minimize leaving your home to go out of the campus to undertake ONLY those absolutely necessary errands.

Following the Thai Government's declaration of a National Emergency from 26 March until 30 April, it is likely that in the near future the TF will impose additional restrictions, especially on entry to the campus by visitors. In other words, there may come soon a prohibition of entry into AIT by ALL visitors except mission essential and service personnel and residents and AIT staff.  At this time, movements are not yet restricted around campus, but please be prepared that the current policies could become even more restrictive. It is important that we support this very critical period of the Covid-19 situation in Thailand, by making these sacrifices - although social media and new technology make these sacrifices less awkward or painful than before. 

We once again thank you for the very kind understanding and support during these challenging and rapidly changing times. Your safety and health, and that of our AIT Community, is of high priority to us.  Please stay healthy, and the Medical Center remains open in case you feel unwell and need to consult a doctor.

AIT Covid-19 Task Force

c) Thailand State of Emergency and Staying Healthy
Email from the Vice-President for Administration on 24 March 2020.

As you know, the Covid-19 situation in Thailand remains very fluid and all of us need to continue to make sacrifices as part of our contribution to minimizing the impact of the virus on our AIT community. On Tuesday afternoon, 24 March, the Prime Minister announced that the government will impose a “state of emergency” to curb the spread of the coronavirus. There are no details yet, but they will be announced to take effect Thursday, 26 March and last for one month. We know that our entire AIT family will play its part to support these initiatives as they apply to AIT. We will communicate with you on these at that time.

With these frequent policy changes, we once again direct you to our Covid-19 Intranet site, which is updated daily. We are also now publishing Public News affecting our AIT Community, posting it on this Intranet page. Please frequently check this site. For example, just today, News was posted about the announcement from the Nonthaburi Provincial Office (the Future Park Van Terminal) and the Thammasat University Field Hospital.

Given these latest policies and developments, the Covid-19 Task Force is strongly recommending the following:
1. Going Home or Staying at AIT
With these rapidly changing circumstances in Thailand and around the world, the Task Force continues to strongly urge students to return to your home countries ASAP if you can. Many other countries are implementing stricter regulations like Thailand and now is the time to be home with loved ones. In addition to this, the TF strongly suggests that non-working family members of AIT employees also consider returning back to your home countries ASAP too, if you are able to and if you wish.
2. Gathering in Smaller Groups
The TF has noticed that more and more of our AIT community are practicing social distancing, as well as only gathering in small groups. However, this is an area that we can still improve upon. Even more so now, with the measures announced by the Thai Government, we must insist that you do NOT congregate in groups and that you maintain a social distance of 1.5m to 2m between yourselves. This includes our previous request that very strongly discourages team sports activities. 

3. Health Awareness: Basic Protective Measures against Covid-19

The TF recognizes that this is a time of uncertainty and we wanted to share with you some basic protective measures to safeguard yourself against Covid-19, with thanks to the WHO. Most people who become infected experience mild illness and recover, but it can be more severe for others. Take care of your health and protect others by doing the following:

A. Wash your hands frequently

Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub, or wash them with soap and water.
Why? Washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub kills viruses that may be on your hands.

B. Maintain social distancing

Maintain at least 1.5 meter distance between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.

Why? When someone coughs or sneezes they spray small liquid droplets from their nose or mouth which may contain virus. If you are too close, you can breathe in the droplets, including the Covid-19 virus if the person coughing has the disease.
C. Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
Why? Hands touch many surfaces and can pick up viruses. Once contaminated, hands can transfer the virus to your eyes, nose or mouth. From there, the virus can enter your body and can make you sick.
D. Practice respiratory hygiene
Make sure you, and the people around you, follow good respiratory hygiene. This means covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue immediately and hygienically.

Why? Droplets spread virus. By following good respiratory hygiene you protect the people around you from viruses such as cold, flu and Covid-19.
E. If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early
Stay home if you feel unwell. If you have a fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical attention and call in advance. Follow the directions of your local health authority.

Why? National and local authorities will have the most up to date information on the situation in your area. Calling in advance will allow your health care provider to quickly direct you to the right health facility. This will also protect you and help prevent spread of viruses and other infections.
F. Stay informed and follow advice given by your healthcare provider
Stay informed on the latest developments about Covid-19. Follow advice given by your healthcare provider, your national and local public health authority or your employer on how to protect yourself and others from Covid-19.

Why? National and local authorities will have the most up to date information on whether Covid-19 is spreading in your area. They are best placed to advise on what people in your area should be doing to protect themselves.

We would like to reiterate our recent paragraph, included in our New Restrictions at AIT message of Sunday 22 March.

As you can see, more and more restrictions are being imposed, and more and more inconveniences are occurring.  We all must be patient and make sacrifices as this is a critical period for Thailand's Covid-19 situation. Above all, please practice strict social distancing.  Please Work From Home and do NOT come to the office at least until March 31, unless you must come to serve the students or handle other mission-essential tasks.  Do as many things via the internet and email and Zoom as possible. Movements are not yet restricted around campus, and you can relax outdoors - but not in a group - since we are blessed with a very nice campus environment.  Or do some things at home you never had time to do!  But please be prepared that the current policies can last awhile or even get more restrictive. Please stay healthy, and the medical clinic remains open in case you feel unwell and need to consult a doctor. 
Finally, the Task Force would like to suggest that those in residence in AIT venture off campus as infrequently as possible, reducing your risk further. Start rationing your purchases and minimize trips outside your home. 

Thank you for your cooperation!

AIT Covid-19 Task Force.

Email from AIT President on 27 March 2020.

I am pleased to announce the interim appointment of Mrs. Joan Carla C. Gonzales as the Acting Director of the Office of Student Affairs (OSA) effective from 27 March 2020 until a newly appointed Director of OSA comes on board.
Mrs. Gonzales has been a staff member of the Office of Student Affairs for many years. I am confident that she can take this interim role in continuing the services provided by the Office of Student Affairs (OSA).  She will also become a member of the Coronavirus Task Force headed by VPA, helping AIT to keep the campus and members safe.
Mrs. Gonzales can be reached by her email carla@ait.ac.th or at her office extension number 5006.
Let us give her our strong support and cooperation.  

I would also like to take this opportunity to give our appreciation to the departing Director of the Office of Student Affairs Mrs. Laarni Roa, who dedicated herself to AIT for 23 years, with numerous contributions—most significant of which was her role during the Flood of 2011.  We wish Laarni the best of luck in her future ventures.
Dr. Eden Woon
AIT President

e) Global Grad Show Open Call: Covid-19 
Email from Entrepreneurship Center on 26 March 2020

Global Grad Show (GGS) is issuing an open call to all in search of solutions related to COVID-19 and its various medical, social, and economic effects.

Here are the details: https://www.globalgradshow.com/covid-19/
·         The initiative is open to university undergraduates, graduates and professors
·         We are seeking projects that respond to any of the myriad challenges caused by the pandemic – from home quarantine to decontamination of public areas, enhanced patient-screening methods to statistical disease-prediction models, distance learning and home schooling
·         The deadline to register your interest and ideas is April 2
·         Projects can be submitted by individuals or teams; there is no limit to the number of submissions
·         A jury will assess the entries based on Global Grad Show’s central concerns – innovation, positive social impact and global relevance. Due to the urgency of the moment, the project’s scalability, durability, readiness and relevance to the challenges of COVID-19 will also be taken into account
·         For all selected submissions, Global Grad Show will provide for its creators’ yearly tuition fees. In the case of selected projects by professors, we will provide a year’s scholarship for your department
·         Selected submissions will also be given the opportunity and support to build, test and pilot the proposal, with the support of venture-building and innovation experts in our network
·         The results of the Open Call will be supported by a communications campaign tailored to promote the selected participants
This initiative is GGS attempt to channel the intelligence and imagination of our partners to address a number of urgent, interconnected problems. The COVID-19 pandemic has wide ranging impacts, from medical to economic to social to professional. But one of its most striking and potentially positive effects is in uniting the world around a common concern. Suddenly, we are more aware of the fragility of our lives and of life itself. This awareness opens up a possibility for new kinds creativity, intelligence and care.

Last year, Gautam Dadhich, PhD candidate under Dr. Hiroyuki Miyazaki, RSGIS represented AIT at the Global Grad Show, Dubai. His idea "ProFind- Proficient Platform for Farm Insurance for Natural Disasters" was not only selected for exhibition during Global Grad Show-GGS (10-16 Nov. 2019) but also selected for pitching in boot camp part of GGS entrepreneurship programme, where only few projects ideas from selected projects were invited after scrutiny of business model canvas, value proposition canvas and Investment Deck. His project was one of the few selected projects out of 15 project selected globally and also received honorable mention in GGS Progress Award 2019.  Gautam is currently in Dubai working on his business feasibility which the Investors will confirm seed fund of 1,000,000 USD. He already received 30K USD grant for business feasibility. Funding is provided by ARM holdings to support social startups.

If you are interested to join and need some support (looking for mentor, team member to complete your group, etc) please contact us by email: entrepreneurship@ait.ac.th

f) Extra EET sessions for March through May
Email from AIT Language Center on 26 March 2020.

In light of the current situation, a lot of our applicants may now have difficulty obtaining English test scores from other testing centers such as IELTS and TOEFL. Thus, LC is offering more EET sessions to ensure that we can help our applicants fulfill their requirements.

 March 31
 April 1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29
 May 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27

More information on the EET dates and online registration form here.

Please communicate to your applicants. These dates are also open to the current RTG fellowship applicants who have yet to fulfill their English requirement.

The Language Center


g) SOM Masterclass Speaker Series: Four guest speakers in April 2020
The SOM masterclass speaker series continues with short lectures taking place throughout April as follows:
Wednesday, 1st April 7-8pm: Manoje Pruttisathaporn (Title of talk: How to Effectively Find, Frame and Test StartUp Ideas' (further details in the flyer)
Friday 10th April 7-8pm: Venus Tse (Title of talk: Innovation in Corporations). Venus is VP for digital strategy, digital banking and fintech at Credit Suisse. Her bio: https://www.linkedin.com/in/venustseweithaeuser/


Saturday, 18th April: 10.30-11.30: Vincenzo Carrieri (Title of talk: How consumer analytics are changing business decision-making). Vincenzo is Asia Pacific Regional Director at CANALI luxury brands Far East. His bio can be found at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vincenzo-carrieri-0551085/  


Saturday, 25th April: 10.30-11.30: Viney Hora (Title of talk: Lessons learnt as a senior consultant with a QnA on how to enter the consultancy industry): Viney is a SOM MBA graduate from 2012 and is a Partner at Deloitte Consulting SEA. His bio can be found at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vineyhora/


h) Free access to Annual Reviews and Knowable Magazine
Email from AIT Library on 23 March 2020.

We are pleased to inform you that  Annual Reviews and Knowable Magazine are now available for you to read and download from now until the end of April 2020.

For your information:

Annual Reviews is a nonprofit publisher dedicated to synthesizing and integrating knowledge for the progress of science and the benefit of society.

Who uses Annual Reviews?
•  Researchers who want to keep abreast of their field and integrate this information with their own activities;
• Researchers who want an introduction to new fields, with a view to developing an interface between different areas of research;
• Students at all levels who want to gain a thorough understanding of a topic; and
• Business people, journalists, policy makers, practitioners, patients and patient advocates, and others who wish to be informed about developments in research.

To access Annual Reviews, please click on this link: https://www.annualreviews.org/

Knowable Magazine - the digital publication from Annual Reviews, seeks to make that knowledge accessible to all. Knowable Magazine explores the real-world significance of scholarly work through a journalistic lens. We report on the current state of play across a wide variety of fields — from agriculture to high-energy physics; biochemistry to water security; the origins of the universe to psychology.

To access Knowable Magazine, please click on this link: https://www.knowablemagazine.org/

Please try!

Web Site: http://library.ait.ac.th
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3a2ScpZ
Google hangout: library@ait.asia and watcharin@ait.asia

i) New Restrictions at AIT

Email from the Vice-President for Administration on 22 March 2020.

As the President said in his message yesterday, AIT effectively is in ORANGE-PLUS status, with many restrictions put in by AIT or by the Royal Thai Government, and they will last until March 31 or even beyond - especially after the Bangkok and Pathum Thani new policies came in, starting today.  Please pay attention to this and other updates from the AIT Covid-19 Task Force and the Intranet, as the situation is very fluid.  We continue to need to be very vigilant to keep our people and our campus safe.  For students, we strongly urge you to go back to your home country ASAP if you possibly can, as things may get more intense here as the days go on.

1.  Food Services:

• Food services will still be available from our regular food outlets at AIT, but ONLY for take-out.
• Please practice Social Distancing while placing your take-out orders.
• Take-outs are currently available from: AITCC Dining Hall, Cafeteria, Snack Bar, Hom Krun, West End Restaurant (Som Tam), Arcade Food Shops, School Coffee Lounges, and the Golf Course Cafe.
• Food delivery from outside can only be collected from the main entrance / Gate 1.
• All seating areas will be barricaded, including the seating in 7-Eleven.
• You may NOT eat at these food outlets, and these areas have been barricaded with red/white warning tape.

2.  Travel:
• International travel is now NOT allowed, both outbound and inbound, for AIT members.
• International visitors/guests are now NOT allowed on campus.
• An exception to this is for one-way travelers exiting AIT and Thailand - mainly for the benefit of our international students.
• If you are overseas, you CANNOT return to AIT until at least June 2020, and you need to please return to your home country.
• If you do return to Thailand from overseas, you will be denied access to AIT.
• Please be reminded that TF approval for ALL other, emergency/humanitarian only, international travel is required. 

3. Meetings/Sports:

NO face-to-face organized meetings, and of any size are to take place until 31 March.
• Please meet and communicate virtually. 
• Do NOT congregate outside 7-Eleven or anywhere on campus.
• The Golf Course has been closed.
• We strongly discourage any team sports activity.

4. Preventative Cleaning:

• OFAM completed their schedule of preventative cleaning across the entire campus.
• Any additional areas that require preventative cleaning will be completed on a request basis.  

5. Employee AIA Medical Insurance and Additional Cover:

• AIA Thailand will provide free extra coverage for all AIA insured persons, confirming that their policy covers medical treatment for Covid-19, details which can be found on our intranet site here.
• You can also purchase additional individual top-up personal insurance covering Covid-19; details of which can be found at this link (the drop down menu in the right hand corner has a tab for English).
As you can see, more and more restrictions are being imposed, and more and more inconveniences are occurring.  We all must be patient and make sacrifices as this is a critical period for Thailand's Covid-19 situation.  Above all, please practice strict social distancing.  Please Work From Home and do NOT come to the office at least until March 31, unless you must come to serve the students or handle other mission-essential tasks.  Do as many things via the internet and email and Zoom as possible.  Movements are not yet restricted around campus, and you can relax outdoors - but not in a group - since we are blessed with a very nice campus environment.  Or do some things at home you never had time to do!    But please be prepared that the current policies can last awhile or even get more restrictive.  Please stay healthy, and the medical clinic remains open in case you feel unwell and need to consult a doctor.  Thank you for your cooperation!!

AIT Covid-19 Task Force

j) Facing the Difficulties We Are in

Email from AIT President on 21 March 2020.

This message does not contain specific Covid-19 policy announcements or new measures at AIT.  I just want to write to all of you to express my appreciation for your understanding and cooperation in the past two months, and to alert you that tough times are ahead of us, requiring change of behavior and sacrifices.  Already, we know there have been quite a number of inconveniences because of our precautionary measures to keep AIT safe.  But the whole world, including Thailand, is in a very grave situation.  We at AIT who are in the business of studying environment and sustainability know well the force of nature, and this virus is a formidable force.  But AIT valiantly overcame the severe test of the flood of 2011, and I am confident we will overcome this severe test of 2020!

Although we still do not have a case of Covid-19 on campus, we are effectively in ORANGE-PLUS status operationally and academically.  Online classes will last the rest of the semester, and minimal skeletal crew - except for essential services - are already the way we operate.  After the Royal Thai Government’s current 2-week set of policies expires on March 31, we shall see how to move onward.  Academically there will be no change - face to face classes will not return this semester, but operationally it is unclear because policies are changing every day as the Thailand infection situation worsens.  But at least from now until March 31, please do NOT come to the office unless you must, since we are in Closure Mode.  Please work and study from home!  We also encourage students to communicate with advisors and their Embassy ASAP and seriously consider going home if possible.
All we can do at this point is to carry on the academic instruction online, serve the remaining students on campus the best we can, be mindful of personal hygiene, practice strict Social Distancing, and pay attention—and adhere—to the updates of policies and measures in emails issued by the AIT Covid-19 Task Force (also check the Intranet daily please).  We simply have to wait this thing out.  I can tell you from personal experience when I was in Hong Kong during SARS in 2003:  When we were deep in the dark tunnel and could not see the light, people did get depressed and anxious.  But one day, the light appeared at the end of the tunnel, and gradually we were out of it.  This situation in 2020 is a much more difficult one, however, as it is a global crisis rather than afflicting predominantly China and Hong Kong as with SARS.  But it will end sometime. 
Many people at AIT have been working hard day and night to adjust to the unusual requirements due to this crisis, from faculty who make sure that quality education continues online, to facilities staff who have to implement many of the measures to keep the campus safe, to the medical clinic personnel, to staff who serve the students, to students whose student life is disrupted, to family members who are highly inconvenienced, to the Covid-19 Task Force who have responded quickly and tirelessly with policies to protect us, and many others…..

Unfortunately, the battle is not over and is in fact intensifying, and all of us - students, staff, and faculty - must continue to bind together and make sacrifices.  We will get through this.  Meanwhile, please be very vigilant and stay healthy! 

Dr. Eden Woon

k) Important Advice on Going Home, Social Distancing, and Other Staying-Healthy Matters

E-mail from the Vice President for Administration on 19 March 2020.

Dear AIT Community

Throughout this Covid-19 global pandemic, the Covid-19 Task Force (TF) has been meeting daily to review the current circumstances and respond to any concerns that you may have. The situation is changing so rapidly at present that we wanted to share the following very important message with you. Please read this message very carefully, for your own health and the health of the AIT family.

1. Student's Going Home or Staying at AIT

In the last 24 hours more countries are not allowing their citizens to return home and many others are implementing MUCH stricter travel restrictions by the day. The TF very strongly recommends that if you are considering returning home, that you make this decision much sooner than later. In fact, in view of the rapidly deteriorating infection situation in Thailand and our limited medical facility on campus, it is increasingly wise for you to return to your home country as soon as possible.

2. Social Distancing

We wanted to also reiterate that there are currently no confirmed Covid-19 cases on campus and that we are working hard for that to continue. Our research shows that one of the best ways to maintain this is to practice Social Distancing, in addition to diligent personal hygiene.
Social Distancing means “remaining out of places where people meet or gather and maintaining distance from others” and it is an effective mechanism to tackle the spread of a virus outbreak. An infected person in a large gathering can infect others rapidly and social distancing measures can help to slow the spread. 
The AIT Covid-19 Task Force strongly advises that you consider the following social distancing approaches:
• Work or study from your own room/home.
• Events/activities/gatherings: consider cancelling, postponing, or meeting virtually online where possible, maintaining the size limitations shared in our message of 15 March. 
• Avoid large gatherings, and refrain from visiting Bangkok city and Malls at this time.
• “Touchless Greetings” are becoming a new norm across the world; consider the gesture of touching your heart, bowing your head, or other options.
• Maintain a distance from others; 1.5 to 2 meters is suggested where possible.
• Practice social distancing in our cafeteria, dining hall, and Som Tam, by leaving a table empty between yours and other diners. Better yet, consider takeaways and dine at home.
• Individual exercising should be the norm now, rather than team sports with possible close interaction. We strongly discourage even informal sports gatherings now.
• Older adults, people with compromised immune systems, those with underlying health conditions, and those of you living with them, may want to consider staying at home as much as possible to reduce the risk of exposure.
The TF strongly suggest that you maintain these protocols and that you do NOT go to bars or other social establishments at this time. Please heed this timely advice, until this global pandemic has settled down.  Thailand is reporting more and more cases every day, with community transmission upon us.

3. Work From Home (WFH)

Please be reminded that currently, AIT operations are primarily on a WFH basis, except for mission-essential services that need to continue, being staffed by skeleton crews to assist our students with their decision above. Our aim is to support the spirit of school closure, with online interaction the main WFH format.  So please avoid coming to the office in these two weeks as much as possible, unless you are needed to support essential services and the students.

4. Other Measures

During this period we are also implementing additional precautions, and would recommend that you carry your AIT ID card/residence letter with you over the coming period:
• The Main Entrance Gate will close at midnight, while other access gates will be closed. 
• Mandatory temperature testing will take place for everyone entering at the Main Gate.
• The Main Gate will start registering incoming visitors from 21 March 2020, details to be provided by OFAM on 20 March 2020.
• Hom Krun limits its seated guests to 20, with take-out allowed, and served from the main door.
• Buffet lunches at AITCC will be cancelled until 31 March 2020.
• The massage parlour and hairdressers will be closed until 31 March 2020.
• The AIT International School was closed from Wednesday 18 March 2020, with plans to reopen on Monday 20 April 2020.
• The swimming pool will be closed from Friday 20 March 2020.
• SU has closed the gymnasium until 31 March 2020.
• Bring your own drinking container, so we minimise providing bottled drinking water at meetings as recommended (unfortunately, against our sustainable campus views).

5. Visitors

The following limitations are to be introduced for visitors to AIT, with immediate effect:
• Overnight visitors are NO longer allowed at AIT.
• All sports fields and other sporting facilities are RESTRICTED for use by our AIT community only; NO outside visitors will be permitted to use these facilities until further notice.

6. Medical Center Services

In response to support from our AIT community to not infect others, if someone is feeling very unwell, we are reserving the non-peak time between 5:00pm and 7:00pm for you to visit the medical center. They will refer you to a hospital if necessary. As a reminder, the medical center contact number for emergencies remains +662-524-5555. Please be conscious not to “overload” our limited medical services.

7. Fact Check Page

During this time of the Covid-19 crisis, it is understandable that people are nervous, and people want to be helpful with information.  However, information which is incomplete or incorrect, or unconfirmed stories being passed around actually are NOT helpful and contribute to irrational behaviour and panic. Therefore, we encourage you once again to contact the Task Force on vpa@ait.ac.th with any story you hear, and we will check it out and inform the community if we feel it is necessary.  This FACT CHECK page describes the story and things we found out about the story.  Only then can we all get through all this as calmly as possible.  
We continue to value your understanding, cooperation, and support during these unusual times. Please do stay safe and healthy, and if you feel unwell, immediately seek medical attention.

The Covid-19 Task Force 

Mr. Russell B. Rein

l) Measures on Visitors Coming to AIT, ID Checking and Sport Facilities

Email from the Director, OFAM on 20 March 2020.

OFAM would like to inform the community of the measures that will take place starting from Saturday, 21 March 2020 due to the Covid-19 global pandemic.
Mandatory temperature checking at the main gate
Ø  Security staff will check the temperature of everyone passing through the main gate.
Please note that only the main gate will be accessible during this time as Gate 2 will be closed until further notice.
Ø  Visitors who will be found with temperature higher than 37.5oC will not be allowed to enter the campus.
Ø  Residents and their dependents with temperature higher than 37.5oC should contact the Medical Center immediately with the help of the Security staff.
Registration of Visitors
Ø  All visitors coming to the campus will be asked to register.  Registration may take a few minutes to record, which may cause traffic or delays at the gate, especially during peak hours.  However, at this crucial time, everyone’s understanding and cooperation is highly appreciated.
Checking of ID and issuance of Resident ID Card (Gate Pass)
Ø  Security will check ID of EVERYONE coming to the campus.
Ø  Residents who has no ID card can send request to the Call Center for issuing the Resident ID which will serve also as gate pass.  For those who did not send the information to OFAM through the AIT Residents Population Survey kindly send your details through this link (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe98_tCfuIA9jkaBXuFl1hPHrwbqaUq...)
No overnight visitors allowed in the campus.
Ø  Visitors staying overnight or longer on the campus is strictly not allowed.  If found, sanctions will be applied, with the possibility of termination of the housing contract.
Use of sports facilities
Ø  AIT sports facilities are for the AIT community use only and currently outsiders are not allowed.  If anyone notices outsiders, please report this to Security immediately.
Thank you very much and your kind cooperation will make the implementation of these measures easier

m) Library hours during 19-31 March 2020

Email from AIT Library on 18 March 2020.

According to the concerns about reducing any potential spread of COVID-19 and keeping you safe on our campus, from 19- 31 March 2020, AIT Library will be opened everyday from 8.00 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.

To protect the health and safety of our library users while still providing essential library services, we would like to share the steps the library is taking as follows.
- All library users may be required to have temperature checks at the checkpoint. (Near the access gate)
- Washing your hand with the provided alcohol-based gel at the checkpoint.
- You are encouraged to wear a face mask.
- You must stay at least 6 feet from others. (The chairs have been rearranged and keep space from each other.)

Information about Library services. (19-31 March 2020)
- Library hours:  8.00 a.m. - 4.30 p.m.
- No service of Group Study Room.
- Your borrowed materials will be automatically extended. Overdue book fines will not be assessed from 19 -31 March 2020.
- Library staff is available to assist with telephone reference (02-5245851) or send e-mail to library@ait.ac.th
- Some of the library services remain available 24/7 at http://library.ait.ac.th, including online journal databases, e-books databases, e-thesis, and renew books online.

You can stay updated on new library resources and services on the library website, library Facebook, and e-mail.

Once again, your health and safety are of utmost importance. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, and we thank you for your continued understanding and support.

Sincerely yours,

AIT Library

n) Remote access to Knovel Database

Email from AIT Library on 19 March 2020.

To facilitate online learning and easy access to the Knovel database off-campus, AIT Library has asked Knovel to provide AIT students, faculties, and staff remote access options.

To register for Knovel remote login, please follow the steps below.

• Click on this link: https://app.knovel.com/web/verify-access.v
• Type in your institutional e-mail
• Fill in the registration form
• Confirm the link in your email inbox
• Done!

Web access to Knovel database: https://app.knovel.com/web/index.v


You can also download KNOVEL® TOGO mobile app from Google Play or App Store for tablets and smartphones and log in with Knovel registered account.
By using KNOVEL® TOGO Mobile App, you may:
• use it to catch up on a new project while traveling, consult critical guidelines at a worksite, and have trusted, verified technical data right at your fingertips - anytime, anywhere.
• use Knovel ToGo offline to read during your commute and sync bookmarks when you are online
• search and save resources on your device and read them later on your laptop
• search and save resources on your laptop and read them later on your mobile device

If you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact the Library.

Thank you.

AIT Library
Web Site: http://library.ait.ac.th
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3a2ScpZ

o) Remote access to ScienceDirect and SCOPUS

Email from AIT Library on 19 March 2020.

Please be informed that Remote Access to ScienceDirect and SCOPUS is now available for you to register.  To apply for the remote access, please follow the steps below.

1. Go to http://sciencedirect.com/
2. Scroll down to the bottom of the ScienceDirect page and click on the Remote access link.
3. Enter your AIT e-mail address, and click on “Continue”.
4. You will be sent a confirmation email.
5. Open the e-mail and click the link to Activate your remote access.
6. Click on Register with us now.
7. Fill in the Form, and then click on the Register button.
8. Done!

After following these steps, you will be able to use ScienceDirect from any location.

• As it is a single-sign-on (SSO) so the same credential may be used to access ScienceDirect and Scopus from any location. No separate registration required.
• There is no official App for ScienceDirect and SCOPUS during this time. The library will inform you when it will be available.
If you do have any problems with access to databases off-campus, please send e-mail to library@ait.ac.th. We are prompt to help.

AIT Library
Web Site: http://library.ait.ac.th
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3a2ScpZ

p) Elsevier’s free health and medical research on novel coronavirus (COVID-19)

Email from AIT Library on 17 March 2020.

AIT Library would like to share with you the Novel Coronavirus Information Center, which is Elsevier’s free health and medical research on novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

The center provides access to more than 19,500 freely available articles on ScienceDirect and Elsevier’s platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature. It is continually updated daily with the latest research information on the virus and the disease.

To access the center, please click on the link below.

We do hope that you will find the center stimulating and useful.

AIT Library

q)Special Online EET for RTG applicants with offer letters on March 31 and April 7

Email from AIT Language Center on 18 March 2020.

LC will offer special online EET sessions for RTG applicants who have been given conditional offers as they have yet to submit a satisfactory English score. The sessions will be on Tuesday March 31 and Tuesday April 7 at 9:30AM only. Note that they can also choose to take other dates offered by LC, but test registration on these two dates (March 31 and April 7) will be open for RTG applicants with offer letters only. These testing dates will not be shown on the LC website. Thus, program officers are to communicate about these testing dates to their RTG applicants who have yet to fulfill their requirements. If you have further questions about these special EET sessions, please email thanisa@ait.asia directly.

The test is 1,000 Thai Baht. ZOOM and Google Doc will be used as the testing platforms. Test takers must familiarize themselves with the platforms prior to the test. If the test takers are not ready on the test day or do not know how to use the platforms, they will be eliminated from the test immediately.

For test registration, please give your applicants the following link. Note that they must register for the test at least 1 week before the chosen testing date.


To pay for the test:

Please make a bank transfer for 1,000 Bht to 


Saving account number: 405-999567-0

Bank Name: Siam Commercial Bank Pcl., Ltd.
Bank Branch: Thammasat University Hospital

Message to Beneficiary: English Entry Test
You must pay for any service charge or transaction fee separately.

To confirm the test:
After the payment is complete, applicants must email 1) the RTG offer letter, 2) proof of payment and 3) the national ID card or passport (picture page)  to thanisa@ait.asia at least one week before the chosen test date.  The test registration will be automatically cancelled if they fail to send us all the required documents 3 days before the chosen testing date.

For test set up:

Test takers need a laptop and a mobile phone. Both devices will connect to the same ZOOM account. Test takers must place the mobile phone in the place that we can clearly see the computer screen and the working space in front of the computer as shown in the picture below.

 We will send test takers an email invitation. They can click the link in the invitation to join the test. They must click the link on both their laptop and their mobile phone to join the test.
 We recommend that they join the ZOOM test room at 8:30 AM on the testing date to check the camera setting and prepare for the test. This is to make sure that the test takers are ready to start the test at 9:30 AM.
 Late arrivals (after 9:15 AM) will not be allowed to take the test. 
 Internet connections and cameras are crucial facilities for invigilating the online test. The computer and the mobile phone must be equipped with a camera and good internet connection access.
 No draft paper, dictionaries or online sources while testing. Text cannot be copied and pasted while composing the essay. The answers will be checked for originality.  There are serious consequences at AIT for those who plagiarize or copy.
 It is a computer-based test. So, test takers are not allowed to open any browsers once they have started the test.
 Once the cameras have been approved by the Language Center. We will send test takers an invitation to comment on the Google document (test platform). Test takers are not allowed to change the test format. They can only type their answer in the box and they have only 60 minutes to type the answer.  Their access will be expired after 60 minutes. They will not be allowed to access your test platform again.
 Test takers are not allowed to take the photo or capture the screen or share the test.
Please note that test takers must follow our test instructions in order to take the AIT online English Entry Test with us. If test takers fail to strictly follow all the regulations stated above, we reserve the rights to terminate the online test. If the test has been terminated, test takers will receive no score, and the test fee will not be refunded.

r) A Survey on Nano-material product safety

Note: You do not need to be an expert in nanotechnology to respond to this survey.  The results of this survey will become a publication for AIT.
We are students of Nanotechnology and we would like to invite you to take a survey on Nanotechnology and Nano-Safety. We need 1500 or more people to participate in this survey. There will be a link below to participate in the survey.
We also hope that this survey will increase your awareness regarding nano-products and nano-safety.
Purpose of the Survey
• We want to know your attitudes and opinions about nanotechnology and nano-safety.
• We plan to use your responses to write a paper and submit for a publication. 
• We want to create a tool to help guide policy in the region by publishing this paper.
• To do all of this, we need your support to make this survey into a success.
We would like to collect responses of the survey before April 15th.
Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdr7FdBZRjR8bskL48bipjGN2hBs3r-...
Thank you all for your attention and your participation.
Nanotechnology Students

s) Security Kiosk Service

Email sent from the Director, OFAM on 18 March 2020

To enhance the security services at AIT, OFAM has come up with a new facility of two Kiosks to serve AIT Community. The security kiosk shown in the picture below is located in the residential area, opposite to the 7-Eleven and opposite to faculty house no. 19.
Kiosk Objective and Operation:
• The objective of the kiosk is to serve the AIT community for communication or report an emergency or for safety reasons
• Kiosk is accessible all the time
• Cameras on the kiosk has motion detection sensors, that records the movements 360 degrees
• Kiosk is connected to the main control center of the security head office manned by an operator who can communicate in English 
How to use the kiosk?
• Step-1: Press the call button
• Step-2: Once the call is received, convey the details of your request
• Step-3: If needed you may request to connect directly to AIT Security Officer
 Sanctions on misuse of the kiosk
• Sanctions and fines are applicable if the kiosk is damaged
We request the parents to kindly inform your children about the usage of the kiosk and not to play with the equipment. We hope that the community will find this kiosk useful.

Office of Facilities and Asset Management (OFAM)


 B. Events

a) Professional Development Course on "Strategic Human Resource Management and Business Leadership"

Professional Development Course on "Strategic Human Resource Management and Business Leadership" 

Duration: 18 - 22 May 2020
Venue: AIT Conference Center

For more information about the training, you can download the attached brochure and course outline or visit us at www.extension.ait.ac.th/course/897

b) A training course on "Organizational Culture Certification: Cultural Ambassador Program"

The Cultural Ambassador Program is a two-day intensive program designed for managers and senior managers in all fields.

Duration: 8-9 June 2020

Venue: AIT Conference Center

For more information about the training please visit at https://www.extension.ait.ac.th/course/1019

Professional Development Course on "Organisational Culture Certification: Accredited Practioner Program (AP)"

c) Professional Development Course on "Organisational Culture Certification: Accredited Practioner Program (AP)"

Professional Development Course on "Organisational Culture Certification: Accredited Practioner Program (AP)"

Duration: 9-12 June 2020
Venue: AIT Conference Center

For more information about the training please visit at www.extension.ait.ac.th/course/1018

d) The International Conference on Energy, Environment and Climate Change (International Conference on Utilities and Exhibition) – ICUE 2020

The International Conference on Energy, Environment and Climate Change (International Conference on Utilities and Exhibition) – ICUE 2020 follows the series of ICUE conferences organized by the Asian Institute of Technology since 2006, and has the theme – Energy, Environment and Climate Change for its 2020 edition. 
Date: 20 – 22 October 2020 at Pattaya City, Thailand
IAU is delighted to announce the second site visit since the launch of the "IAU Institutional Site Visits" programme in 2019. This year, the visit will take place at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Bangkok, Thailand on 30 Nov - 3 Dec 2020 and the main topic will be "Social Impact with Innovation".

Don’t miss out this unique oportunity to discover an innovative institute and learn about leveraging technologies for a sustainable world! Learn more and register here. The site visits are open to IAU Members only.


 C. Classified (jobs)

Position: IT Helpdesk Officer
Ref. No. 7/20
Deadline: 31 March 2020

Position: Faculty Positions (School of Management)
Ref. No. 12/20
Deadline: 31 March 2020

Position: Assistant/Associate Professor (School of Environment Resources and Development)
Faculty position in Environmental Technology and Management
Ref. No. 1/20
Deadline: 31 March 2020
