WEEK #37: 12 - 18 September 2016



In this issue:


         A.    Announcements

         B.    Events

         C.    Visitors

         D.    Faculty and Staff Travel

         E.    Classifieds (Jobs)



A.    Announcements


(i)    AIT Fun and Sports Day on 2 December 2016

AIT Fun and Sports Day will be organized by Human Resources Office on 2 December 2016.

The AIT Community please mark your calendar and make yourself available for this whole day event. There will be games, raffle draw and a sumptuous lunch together.

So watch out for the announcements for more details.

(ii)    SET Welcomes new seconded faculty members from India - Professor Aquil Ahmed, Dr. R. Murugesan, and Dr. Taimoor Khan

School of Engineering and Technology (SET) welcomes Prof. Aquil Ahmed, Dr. R. Murugesan, and Dr. Taimoor Khan who are seconded by the Indian Government to join Industrial Systems Engineering (ISE) Field of Study, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering (IME) Field of Study, and Telecommunication and Information Communication Technology Field of Study, respectively.

Prof. Aquil Ahmed

Prof. Aquil Ahmed is a Professor of Statistics and Operations Research in the Department of Statistics & Operations Research, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. He did his M.Sc. & M. Phil  from A.M.U.Aligarh and obtained Ph.D. from I.I.T.Roorkee, India. He is the Founder Head, Department of Statistics, University of Kashmir, Srinagar and was Head, Department of Statistics, University of Kashmir for more than 8 years. He was also Dean, Faculty of Physical & Material Sciences, University of Kashmir, Srinagar. He has also served as a Professor of Statistics in the Qassim University, Saudi Arabia for two and half years. His area of specialization is mathematical programming. He has published more than 70 research papers in national and international Journals. He has organized two international Conferences in conjunction with the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics (ISPS) . and Operational Research Society of India (ORSI). Eight Ph.Ds have been awarded under his supervision. He has also delivered extension lectures in many Academic Staff Colleges of UGC (India)  and Universities across India on Research Methodology, Optimization and Statistics used for solving real life problems Currently, he is the Vice President of Indian Society for Probability & Statistics.

During his stay at AIT, he will be teaching a Course on Deterministic Optimization Models for Masters. He can be contacted in his office at Room No.206, ISE , with prior appointment by contacting  either at 5684 or  0946685004.

Dr. R. Murugesan  

Dr. R. Murugesan  is an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics at National Institute of Technology, (NITT), Tiruchirapalli where he serves as a full time faculty member since 1999. Dr. R.Murugesan graduated with specialization in Entrepreneurship (Doctoral Title) in Economics from Bharathidasan University in 2010. He earned a Master of Economics (1985)
and a Bachelor in Economics (1983) from the University of Madras and Bharathidasan. His teaching interests include microeconomics, international economics, environmental economics and macro economics. His area of research interest includes Industrial Economics, Environment, Urbanisation, and International Economics. He has got more than 20 years of teaching and
research experience and has in his credit several international publications in the reputed publishers’ journals like Sage, Emerald, Wiley, etc. He has conducted conducted more than 20 short term courses. He was Associate Dean(Institute Development ) for three years and held various administrative positions like Coordinating in B.Tech and M.Tech admissions, Staff Advisor of Rotaract Club and APEKSHAA club for many years.

His area of interest are Industrial Economics, Environment, Urbanisation, and International Economics. He is also very much interested in Academic Administration and Human Resource Development. In addition, he has attended several national and international level conferences, and has chaired one international conference held in Paris , France. He is also very much interested in Academic Administration and Human Resource Development. Currently he is the Principal Investigator for two sponsored research projects of Government of India.

Dr. R.Murugesan will teach the course AT72.04 Engineering Economy. He can be contacted at Room 206, tel. ext. 5684, emails: ramasamy@ait.asia  ; rmurugan@nitt.edu; rmurugan9@gmail.com .

Dr. Taimoor Khan

Dr. Taimoor Khan is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at National Institute of Technology (An Institute of National Importance, under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India) Silchar, India where he serves as a full time faculty member since 2014.

Prior to joining this institute, he served several organizations like: Delhi Technological University (Formerly Delhi College of Engineering), Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Delhi, India for more than two years; Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology Patna, India for more than a year and Shobhit Institute of Engineering and Technology (A Deemed University), Meerut, India for more than nine years.  

Dr. Khan awarded his Ph.D. Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from National Institute of Technology (An Institute of National Importance, under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India) Patna, India in the year 2014. He obtained his Master Degree in Communication Engineering from Shobhit Institute of Engineering and Technology (A Deemed University), Meerut, India (2009); Bachelor Degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from The Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata, India (2005) and Polytechnic Diploma in Electronics Engineering from Government Polytechnic Saharanpur, India (2001).   

His active research interest includes Communication Engineering, Printed Microwave and Millimetre Wave Circuits, Electromagnetic Bandgap Structures, Computational Electromagnetics and Artificial Intelligence Paradigms in Communication Engineering. He has published over twenty five research papers in international journals including IEEE, Wiley, PIER, etc. as well as in international/national conference proceedings including AEMC, APACE, ISMOT, etc. In addition, he has successfully organized several academic events like: Workshop, Faculty Development Programme, Expert Lecture Series, etc. as well as attended several international/national conferences of repute. He is an active member of IEEE (USA), life member of IEI (India) and life member of IAE (Hong Kong).

Dr. Khan will teach the course AT77.15 Satellite Communications. He can be contacted at Room 212, tel. ext. 5741, emails: taimoor@ait.asia ; taimoor@ece.nits.ac.in .

(iii)    AIT in 2 Minute Video Contest

Can you tell the AIT story in just two minutes?
Can you narrate the AIT story like no one else?
Can you tell the world what makes AIT so special?
Can you make a crisp video that can cast a spell on the audience?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then we invite you to participate in the "AIT 2 Minute Video Contest."

More details about cash prizes and rules are here: http://goo.gl/UpejUU
But remember, only 2 minutes!

Office of Media and Communications

(iv)    AIT Medical Center Services

The mission of the AIT Medical Center is to provide the best possible medical care to AIT students and employees.  The Clinic has three part-time physicians and eight nurses (two full-time nurses and six part-time nurses).  In addition to the general medical care given by the general practitioner, the clinic also provides consultations in ENT (ear, nose, throat) and Rehabilitation Physician (physical rehabilitation).

The AIT Medical Center can be reached at 02-524-5286 during office hours (from 7.30 to 16.30 hours), from Monday to Friday; and through 02-524-5555 for 24-hour medical emergency service.


Employees can avail a free standard blood chemistry test from the AIT Medical Clinic.

Blood tests for blood sugar, lipid profile, liver function, uric acid and renal function (BUN, Cr) as routine (standard) blood chemistry; hemoglobin (anemia) and urine examination (no pregnancy test) are available.  Other necessary tests can be referred to the Thammasat University Hospital laboratory service.

Electrocardiogramme is also available.

Medical appliance/apparatus:

Crutches, canes and wheelchairs can be borrowed from the AIT Medical Clinic.  A refundable deposit will be required.  The nurse on duty can be contacted for borrowing these appliance/apparatus.

Generali Insurance:

Those insured under the Generali Medical Insurance should present their Generali Card and meet a doctor for diagnosis of any illness and to charge their treatments to Generali.  If a doctor is not consulted, they will be required to pay in cash.

Medical Emergencies:

Emergency medical care is available at the AIT Medical Clinic at all times. In case of medical emergency, please call 5555, the Nurse will call the guard to take her to the patient’s location using the golf cart. If the patient needs to be taken to the hospital, the Nurse will call the ambulance through 1669.

The AIT Medical Clinic’s emergency care service is not a hospital emergency room.  Emergency illness conditions such as suspected heart attack, stroke or poisoning require immediate treatment at the nearest hospital emergency room.  If anyone is too ill to come to the Clinic or to go to a hospital without assistance, please call 5555 or 1669 directly for Emergency Medical Service (provided by the Ministry of Public Health, Thailand).

Night-Shift Nurse:

A night-shift nurse, who is on duty from 19:30 to 07:30 hours, is reserved for medical emergencies.  For safety and security reasons, the door of the Medical Clinic is locked from 22:00 to 07:30 hours.  In medical emergency cases or if any medical emergency assistance is required, the nurse on duty can be contacted at 02-524-5555.


(v)    EURAXESS ASEAN Flashnotes - Latest Funding and Career Opportunities for AIT Researchers

The Office of External Relations (OEXR) has announced a number of attractive opportunities for researchers which are presented in the latest EURAXESS ASEAN flash notes.


1)      United Kingdom - Newton Fund Institutional Links Programme. Thailand and Vietnam Eligible

2)      EMBO Short-Term Fellowships Open to Researchers in ASEAN. 3 month Research Visits to Labs in Europe and Elsewhere. Rolling Deadline.

3)   Germany - Humboldt Incoming Fellowships for researchers at different stages in their careers. ASEAN Researchers Eligible. Rolling Deadline.

4)      Switzerland: ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowships. Researchers in ASEAN Eligible. Deadlines 1 Sept, 2016; 1 March 2017

5)      MSCA Individual Fellowships. One of Europe's Most Prestigious Fellowship Programmes. Deadline 14 September, 2016

6)    United Kingdom - Newton Research Collaboration Programme. Malaysia and Vietnam Eligible. Deadline 14 September, 2016

7)      British Academy Newton Advanced Fellowships in Social Sciences and Humanities. Malaysian Researchers Eligible. Deadline 14 September, 2016

8)  Royal Society Newton Advanced Fellowships for Malaysian Researchers. Deadline 14 September, 2016

9)     Newton Research Collaboration Programme. Malaysia and Vietnam Eligible. Deadline 14 September, 2016

10)  Newton Mobility Grants for Vietnamese Researchers. Deadline 14 September, 201

11)  TWAS-BIOTEC Postdoctoral Fellowship Programmes in Thailand and Malaysia. Deadline 15 September, 2016

12)  Germany: International Research Fellowships at the International Research Center "Work and Human Lifecycle in Global History" at Humboldt University. Deadline 15 September, 2016

13)  Newton Fund Institutional Grants. Thailand and Vietnam  Eligible. Deadline 19 September, 2016

14) Newton Fund Researcher Links: Workshops Programme for Researchers in Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. Deadline 19 September, 2016

15) Newton Fund Researcher Links: Travel Grants Programme for Researchers in Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, and Vietnam. Deadline 19 September, 2016

16)  Advice on applying to funding schemes by Dr Claire McNulty, Director Science and Research, British Council

17)  United Kingdom - Newton Fund Research Workshop Grants. Thailand and Malaysia Eligible. Deadline 19 September, 2016

18)  Spain: InterTalentum Research Fellowships. Call Now Open. ASEAN Researchers Eligible. Deadline 30 September, 2016

19)  European Research Council Starting Grants. Call Now Open. Researchers from ASEAN Eligible. Deadline  18 October, 2016

20)  Italy – Jean Monnet Fellowships. ASEAN Researchers Eligible. Deadline 25 October, 2016

21)  List of European Institutions Interested in Hosting Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

22)  United Kingdom: Training Fellowships in Public Health and Tropical Medicine. ASEAN Researchers Eligible. Deadline 28 November, 2016

Check out:



Sign up to EURAXESS Links ASEAN here:


For more details, please contact Director of Office of External Relations (OEXR) at email: shawnpk@ait.asia

(vi)    Scholarships for Summer School, 3-8 October 2016 at Ateneo de Manila University Philippines (ADMU)

Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines and Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR), Heidelberg University, Germany, are jointly organizing a summer school in Manila, Philippines from 3-8 October 2016.

The Summer School brings together experts from Germany and the Philippines to lecture on various topics of Scientific Computing.

Main topics for Summer School on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing are “Partial Differential Equations with application in Environmental Physics”.   

Tentative list of speakers:

             1) Prof. Peter Bastian, Numerical Methods for Environmental Physics

             2) Prof. Kurt Roth, Environmental Physics

             3) Prof. Thomas Richter, Numerics for Finite Element Methods

There are 10 reserved slots for non-Philippine students.  A maximum of two beneficiaries maybe selected from AIT.

The full scholarship package includes:

    - flight cost

    - all local costs from 2 – 9 Oct. 2016

To participate in the summer school:

For application for support scholarships:

(vii)    Cambridge knowledge Quiz - Put your skills to the test now
Cambridge University Press introduces the Cambridge Knowledge Quiz where users can put their skills to the test.  The period for the quiz is from 22 August 2016 to 22 September 2016.
The grand prize is Samsung Gear Fit 2.  Please click to the see the quiz website and to start the quiz at this link - http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/cambridgequiz  

(viii)    New e-journal subscription - Economic and Political Weekly (Web edition)

Please be informed that the Library's new subscribed Economic and Political Weekly (Web edition) is now accessible at www.epw.in .  Alternatively, this e-journal can be accessed from the Library web page at .  After acessing the Library page, please click "News and Events" and then click "New E-Journal Available".

(ix)    Personal data for Income Tax

To ensure that personal income tax of AIT faculty and staff comply with Tax Regulation, it is imperative that we have a correct record of your personal data in our system. Please log in the web link, https://hris.ait.ac.th  to update your personal data. Use your AIT email account credential to log in then click “View Employee Profile”.  Furthermore, please update or complete your contact information such as the name and telephone number of your emergency contact person.

For employees with children, particular attention is required in the status of your children in the system, check if it is correct. Update the system if they are studying or working either here in Thailand or abroad. Please request to amend as appropriate.  

Any changes on your personal data from previous to current year should be supported with documents in hard copies. These include passport copy, marriage certificate, birth certificates of your children as well as receipts of investment in RTF/LTF and personal life insurance.

Please submit it to Khun Denphoom in the Office of the Human Resources Services (OHRS), Room 223, Second Floor of the Administration Building within 23 September 2016.

(x)    Congratulations to the Winners of Hackathon Event

The results of the much awaited Hackathon are here!

AIT Solutions would like to congratulate the following participants of the Hackathon Event.

Top three winners have been selected and are awarded:

First Prize: 10,000 THB

Idea: "Con MiD" (Concrete Mix Designer)
Team: Fawad Ahmed Najam, Hassan Fazliani, Adnan Nawaz

Organization: AIT

Second Prize: 7,000 THB

Idea:"Visual Vibometer"

Team: Fawad Ahmed Najam, Hassan Fazliani, Faisal Rasool

Organization: AIT

Third Prize: 5,000 THB

Idea: Mobile Application for Wheel Chair Structure design

Team: Dilok Puanhvuan, Piyawat Kengthada, Saowalak Manakitpaiboon, Warangkhana Phanwanich

Organization: iVET , Mahidol University

The AIT Solutions team will be contacting all the winners soon regarding how they can receive the prize money and its subsequent awarding ceremony.

We look forward to continuing the entrepreneurial spirit of Hackathon so watch this space for upcoming initiatives!

(xi)    Confirmed Notes AMT 18 August 2016

Please be informed that the confirmed notes of the 18 August 2016 meeting of the AIT Management Team are now Intranet-published at http://www.ait.ac.th/management/aitmt-notes/confirmed-notes-aitmt-18-aug...



B.    Events and Happenings

 (I) Events

(a)    AIT Career Fair & Research Exhibition: 2 Nov. 2016

AIT Career Fair & Research Exhibition organized by Career Center is scheduled on 2 November 2016 from 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at the AIT Conference Center.

Nine organizations have confirmed so far to join the AIT Career Fair.
Brief profile of the participating companies are given below:

1. Siam Makro Co. Ltd. – wholesale center for professional business operators
2. Siam Cement PCL (SCG) - leading business conglomerate in the ASEAN region
3. TEAM Consulting Engg and Mgt Co. Ltd. – Thailand's largest conglomerate of consulting companies 
4. PR Recruitment& Business Management Co. Ltd. – provider of HR and business process outsourcing services
5. Gravitechthai (Thailand) Co. Ltd. – electronic parts provider
6. Betagro Group - a country leader in the fully integrated agro-industrial and food business sector
7. TOA Group - largest decorative paint manufacturer in South East Asia and has four main business lines - paints, chemicals, petrochemicals and automotive
8. Asian Engineering Consultants Corp. Ltd.(AEC) -  consulting services for major public and private construction projects
9. Christiani & Nielsen (Thai) PCL - construction contractor with major operations in Thailand and Southeast Asia

 ¤ Long-term career prospects
¤ Job placements
¤ Internship opportunities
¤ On-the-job training
¤ Research partners
¤ Networking with company representatives
¤ Free Goodies
¤ Student Union Research Exhibition!

CAREER TALKS to be held soon:

¤ Career Talk by VPD, Mr. Surendra Shrestha on the topic “Me and the Global Picture” on 14 September 2016 (Wed, 4:00 - 5:30 pm; Milton E. Bender Auditorium)

¤ CV & Interview Workshop on 21 September (Wed, 4:00 – 5:30 pm, Milton E. Bender Auditorium)

Please help us in spreading the word out about the Fair !!!  And let us know as well if you have any company contacts that you want us to invite to the Fair.
Mark your calendar! For developments and career opportunities, drop by at: www.careercenter.ait.asia
or like:  https://www.facebook.com/officialaitcareercenter/
or email: careercenter@ait.asia
or contact us via phone: 662 524-6744, 662 524-6326

(b) AIT Cultural Show August 2016

Cultural Show hosted by Student Union's Culture and Gender Committee on Saturday 17 September 2016 at AIT Conference Center, 17.00 onward.

More detail, please see: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0nLSB7YYSeEV0hRY0ZETlVRSGVwZHV2OVFZazRYd3pXTFlR/view?usp=sharing

(II) Courses:

(a)    Asia Pacific School on Internet Governance 2016: 11-15 Sept. 2016

Asia Pacific School on Internet Governance (APSIG) is being held at the AIT Conference Center from 11-15 September 2015 from  09:00-18:30 hours.

The event organized by AIT intERLab intends to serve these several hundred Internet governance leaders in Asia through professional courses on the Internet governance.

More details: https://sites.google.com/site/apsigasia/2016-school  

(b)    Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation Course: 17 Oct – 28 Oct. 2016

AIT Extension will organize a course, “Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation” from 17 Oct 2016 - 28 Oct 2016.
For more details, visit this link: http://extension.ait.ac.th/course/57To apply visit: http://extension.ait.ac.th/content/online-application?nid=57&cname=Project+Management%2C+Monitoring+and+Evaluation&fromd=17+Oct+2016&tod=28+Oct+2016

(III) Workshops

(a)    Collect Earth Workshop by ADPC: 12 – 16 Sept. 2016

The SERVIR-Mekong, Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC), Food and Agriculture Organization and Remote Sensing and GIS(RSGIS), Asian Institute of Technology are organizing a building capacity on Collect Earth Workshop. This event will take place from 12-16 September 2016 at Room E. 222, SERD Academic.

Collect Earth (CE) is a user-friendly Free and Open Source Software, developed in FAO-Forestry, for land monitoring through the augmented visual interpretation of freely available satellite images. The system builds on Google technologies such as Google Earth, Earth Engine and the availability of Landsat, Sentinel 2 and other very high resolution images. The training is mainly (but not exclusively) geared toward experts, students, technical staff and others with some remote sensing or GIS background.
(IV) Seminars / Conferences

(a)    A Seminar on “Locational Intelligence with CARTO: Empower organizations to optimize operational performance, strategic investments and everyday decisions”: 13 Sept. 2016

A seminar on "Location Intelligence: Empower organisations to to optimise operational performance, strategic investments and everyday decisions” will be delivered by Fernando Carrasco on 13 September 2016 from 09:00-13:00 hours.
For more information, please contact Firman hadi at email: firmanhadi@ait.asia

More details: http://www.ait.ac.th/news-and-events/2016/events/seminar-on-location-    intelligence-empower-organisations-to-optimise-operational-performance-strategic-investments-and-everyday-decisions201d/#.V7Z5K6LkKUk

(b)    Design of Tall Buildings: Trends and Advancements for Structural Performance: 7 – 9 Nov. 2016 (seminar) and 10 - 12 Nov. 2016 (Workshop)

AIT Solutions will organize the “Design of Tall Buildings: Trends and Advancements for Structural Performance” Seminar and Workshop from 7 – 9 November and 10 – 12 November 2016, respectively.
The event will provide participants with an insight to the new developments in tall building design, innovative structural systems for better performance and in-depth understanding of structural behavior and highlight the value of wind tunnel test, probabilistic seismic hazard assessment, peer reviews and performance-based design. It also will focus on hands on understanding of modeling and analysis.

More details: http://www.ait.ac.th/news-and-events/2016/events/design-of-tall-buildings-trends-and-advancements-for-structural-performance/#.V8j2MzUZyUk

(c)    11th GMSARN International Conference 2016: 16 – 18 Nov. 2016

The 11th Greater Mekong Sub-region Academic and Research Network (GMSARN) International Conference 2016 will be held from 16-18 November 2016 in Kunming, China.
The conference brochure is available at: http://www.ait.ac.th/news-and-events/2016/events/gmsarnbrochure.pdf

More details are available at the GMSARN website at: http://www.gmsarn.com/conference2016/

(VI) Trainings

(a)    Training for Scopus: Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Elsevier will provide training for Scopus on Tuesday, 13 September 2016 from 10.00 a.m.-12.00 a.m.  The venue of the training is AIT Conference Center, Room B108.  Following is the agenda of the training.
Scopus: Empower Your Research at Every Step (2 hours)
- Introducing Scopus
- What Content is in Scopus
- Searching Scopus
- Source Browser and Journal Analyser
- Research Excellence
- Scopus Help & Resources
Speaker: Nicholas Pak, Solutions Consultant, Elsevier Research Solutions
Nicholas is responsible for establishing, maintaining and sharing in-depth knowledge of ScienceDirect, Scopus and Mendeley within the Academic and Government comunity in Southeast Asia.  Successful implementation and adoption of products and solutions to deliver value for each customer organization is something which he strongly believes in.
Interested persons can register via e-mail at library@ait.asia .

(b)    Training for ScienceDirect: Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Elsevier will provide training for ScienceDirect on Tuesday, 13 September 2016 from 13.00 p.m.-14.00 p.m.  The venue for the training is Milton Bender Auditorium.  The agenda of the training is attached underneath.
Empower your Research with ScienceDirect (1 hour)
- About Elsevier
- Introducing ScienceDirect, the Extensive and Unique Full-Text Database
- Key Features and Highlights (including Advanced Search, Setting Topic and Search Alerts, Browsing, etc)
- Elsevier Library Activities and Support

Speaker: Nicholas Pak, Solutions Consultant, Elsevier Research Solutions
Interested persons can register via e-mail at library@ait.asia .

(c) Training Course on "Accounting for Carbon Emission Reductions and Removals through REDD+ Activities": 27 Nov. – 4 Dec. 2016

Natural Resources Management Field of Study, School of Environment, Resources and Development (SERD) will organize a training course on "Accounting for Carbon Emission Reductions and Removals through REDD+ Activities" on 27 November – 4 December 2016 at the AIT conference center.
For more information, please see: 

Closing: 30 September 2016


C.    Visitors


•    Delegation from Aston University, Business School, Birmingham, UK, led by Dr. Geoff Parkes, Associate Dean International and Senior Teaching Fellow /21 Sept. 2016 / to discuss students exchanges and potential integration of entrepreneurship and other programmes of AIT.


D.   Faculty and Staff Travel


Mr. Chandani Chandra / Kathmandu, Nepal / 7 – 17 August 2016*
Prof. Kyoko Kusakabe / Pursat and Battambang, Cambodia / 1 – 6 September 2016*
Dr. Nophea Sasaki / Prearh Vihear, Cambodia / 4 – 7 September 2016*
Ms. Colleen Curran / Suva and Nadi, Fiji / 7 – 18 September 2016
Prof. Voratas Kachitvichyanukul / Guiyang, P.R. China / 8 – 11 September 2016*
Dr. Panneersclvam Peramalyan / Vientiane, Khammouan and Sawannakhet, Lao PDR / 11 – 22 September 2016
Mr. Chatuphol Pholwan / Chiangmai, Thailand / 12 – 14 September 2016*
Mr. Songpon Seengpun / Chiangmai, Thailand / 12 – 14 September 2016*
Mr. Krailak Fakkaew / Athens, Greece / 12 – 19 September 2016
Dr. Manzul K. Hazarika / Manila, Philippines / 13 – 14 September 2016
Mr. Bayasgalan Sanduijav / Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia / 31 August – 18 September 2016
*(Staff or faculty member travelled and returned to AIT prior to documentation received for publication)


E.    Classifieds (Jobs)


Position: Multimedia Technician (Office of Media and Communications)
Ref. No. 40/16
Deadline: 25 September 2016

Position: Assistant / Associate Professor (School of Environment, Resources & Development)
Ref. No. 01/16
Deadline: 30 September 2016

Position: Library Assistant (AIT Library )
Ref. No. 17/16
Deadline: 15 October 2016

Faculty Position (Assistant/Associate Professor) (School of Environment, Resources & Development)
Ref. No. Fac 2/16
Deadline: 31 October 2016

Faculty Position (Assistant/Associate Professor) in Food Engineering and Bioprocess Technology (School of Environment, Resources and Development)
Ref. No. Fac 3/16
Deadline: 31 October 2016

Faculty Position (Assistant/Associate Professor) - IME (School of Engineering & Technology)
Rf. No. Fac 4/16Deadline: 31 October 2016
